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A week later they had finished their fourth concert since they arrived in the states. They had been able to go on a little sightseeing tour, planned by their management, but they enjoyed it.

Niall, Liam, and Zayn went to bed early leaving Harry and Louis by themselves in their hotel room. It wasn't more than nine o'clock in the evening and neither of them was tired for once. They were laying in bed watching tv but there was nothing good on.
"I'm bored!" Harry sighed.

"We could always play Uno." Louis suggested and mentally facepalmed. Why would he even suggest that?

"Spanking Uno?" Harry chuckled. He looked amused.

"Yeah, maybe not." Louis smirked.

Harry shrugged his shoulders.
"It would pass time."

Louis was about to comment that it would feel a little weird to play that just the two of them but Harry had already got out of bed and walked over to their suitcases. Louis lost his voice. Harry found the deck of cards and, oh, the ping pong racket! Louis gulped. This would only get weird if he made it weird. It was just a silly game.

Harry came over to his bed and took a seat. They were only in their boxers. Harry gave them seven cards each and turned one of the cards from the deck. It showed a yellow three. Louis decided to start easy and put down a green three. He leaned forward and slapped Harry's arm thrice. Harry just grinned and put down a green six, and slapped his arm in return.

Louis changed to yellow and put down a six. He used both hands to slap Harry's stomach rapidly. Harry flinched and giggled.
"I'm gonna get you for that one!"

Louis tried to not make that dirty in his mind, failing miserably. Harry put down a yellow nine with a grin. He slapped Louis's stomach and it stung.
"Well, if that's how you wanna play it." Louis said and put down a blue nine.

Harry rolled his eyes and laid down. Louis watched his thigh muscles flex. Damn it. He tried to act casual about it and scooched closer so he could reach. He raised a hand and let it smack down on Harry's left thigh. He loved the sound that came with it.
"One." Harry breathed out.

Why was he counting? Wasn't that something you did in bed? Like, if you had that dominant/submissive thing going on? Louis might have read about it. Okay, he was really overthinking this. He smacked him again on the same spot.
"Two." Harry hissed.

Don't make it sexual Louis. Don't make it sexual, Louis ranted to himself and smacked Harry's right thigh again. Harry had spread his legs a little, so his hand ended up more between his thighs than on his thigh. Louis gulped. Don't make it sexual.
"Three." Harry said.

He sounded out of breath. Did he have to count? Louis was getting affected by this. Such a bad idea. Such a bad idea. He just needed to get this over with. He refused to look at Harry and smacked his thigh again.

Harry suddenly turned around to his stomach.
"Hey!" Louis protested, he was halfway through.

"It stings too much. Just do the back." Harry mumbled, his voice sounded lower than usual.

Not sexual. Not sexual. Louis ranted and held his breath as he let his palm hit the back of Harry's thigh instead, just underneath his bum. Harry rocked forward a little.

Louis repeated the same action, harder this time.
"Six." Harry hissed.

He was getting hard. He hoped Harry wouldn't notice, but right now he just wanted to hear that glorious sound again when his hand connected with Harry's thigh. He hit him at the same place again.

That almost sounded like a whimper. All the hair on Louis's neck stood out. He smacked him again, other thigh.

That was definitely a whimper. Just one more. He could get through this. He smacked him extra hard, between both thighs.

Louis just had to run a hand over Harry's thighs, before he sat back and grabbed a pillow to hide his crotch. Harry didn't move at first but then he sat up and grabbed a pillow as well and put it in his lap. His cheeks were flushed. He was beautiful. They didn't say anything. Harry just reached for his cards and looked at them. He put down a yellow plus two and a red plus two cards and then a red one.
"Four ass spanks!" He grinned.

Louis rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"You sound very excited."

"I went easy on you!" Harry pouted but his eyes were glittering mischievously.

Louis turned around on his knees getting up so Harry could have access to his bum, for spanking obviously. Oh for fucks sake! He just wished his brain could shut up. Harry gave him four quick slaps and he sat down again.
"Well, you kind of asked for it now." Louis smirked and put down a red eight.

Harry slightly blushed but laid down on his stomach.
"Hands and knees." Louis chuckled.

Harry turned his head to glare at him but he complied. Louis repeated the same mantra in his head as before. Not sexual. Not sexual. Harry had a nice ass. Damn it! Not sexual! He hesitated briefly before he spanked his left cheek. The fabric of Harry's boxers muffled the sound.
"One." Harry mumbled.

Crap! He was counting again! Louis held back a grunt and slapped him again. Harder this time.
"Two." Harry gasped.

He didn't give him time to relax before he slapped him again, making sure that his palm fully made contact with Harry's ass.
"Three." Harry hissed.

"F..four." Harry stuttered.

Again. It made his hand tingle. He fucking liked it when it did. Damn it! Don't get hard!
"Five." Harry gasped.

Louis was totally in the moment, wishing that he could pull down Harry's boxers to hear the sound of his palm hitting his bare ass. He was such a creep. He tried to clear his head from thoughts. He spanked him again. Harder.

Did Harry just moan? He suppressed it but it sounded like it. He bit his tongue to not call him a good boy out loud. Instead, he spanked him again.
"S...seven." Harry said.

"One more." Louis mumbled.

He waited a second before he pulled his hand back and delivered the last spank. That was definitely a moan that slipped between Harry's lips. Oh, God. That was so hot. Louis's dick was throbbing by now.

He still had his hand on Harry's ass but Harry didn't move away. He stayed in the same position. Louis squeezed his bum a little and Harry leaned back to the touch. Louis's heart was beating erratically. They didn't talk. He felt feverish. He hesitated but decided to spank him again. Harry drew in a sharp breath "aah."

Louis raised his hand to spank him again when a knock on the door startled him. He jumped out of bed before Harry would notice his condition, silently cursing that they got interrupted. He opened the door.
"What?" He said, sounding irritated.

Niall was outside, looking frantic.
"I'm sorry to wake you but there's an enormous spider in my room!"

"Then kill it!" Louis snorted.

"I can't! They're creepy and scary and...please Louis!" Niall pleaded.

"Fine. Give me a sec." He closed the door and grabbed a pair of sweats from his suitcase to hide his situation.
"Haz, I'm just gonna help Niall with a spider. You know how he gets."

"Okay." Harry replied.

He put a t-shirt on and followed Niall to his room.it took him ten minutes to locate the spider and throw it out a window. He went back to his room. Harry was in his own bed.
"Are you awake?" He whispered while he removed his clothes.

Harry didn't answer so he got into bed and sighed. He was so confused. Had Harry liked being spanked? Like, for real? That thought excited him, and at the same time, he didn't know what to make of it. They were friends. They had never crossed that line ft friends to setting more and they hadn't really talked about it either. That was an awkward, scary discussion to have and Louis hadn't brought it up if Harry wouldn't like him in that way. Sometimes he thought that he might and then he wasn't sure. He had 
oscillated back and forth, not knowing where Harry stood. Not wanting to destroy their friendship. This was...new.

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