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Harry pulled his knees against his chest and held on to them. Louis circled the tip of his finger around his hole before he pushed the tip inside. Harry tensed.
"Try to relax." Louis said.

"Easier said than done." Harry giggled but he took a deep breath and exhaled.

Louis pushed his finger inside. He started to pump it in and out. It got easier.
"Wanna try a second one?"

"Yeah, okay." Harry agreed.

Louis wiggled a second digit inside as well. He looked at Harry's face and saw the discomfort.
"Do you want me to stop?"

"No, I just have to get used to it. Go on." Harry replied.

Louis decided to try and find the prostate. He pushed the fingers inside again and crooked them, trying to brush them against the front. He tried a couple of times without succeeding. He was very concentrated. He wanted Harry to feel good about this. He pushed them inside again and tried one more time. Then he felt something. Harry jolted and gasped.
"Oh fuck, do that again!"

He pushed his fingers inside again but missed. He tried again and this time he managed to find the gland. He kept his fingers there and put pressure. Harry back arched.
"Oh God, fuck, Lou!" He wailed.

Louis grabbed Harry's cock and started to stroke it while he continued to brush his fingers over his prostate. Harry fell apart completely. He came with a strange cry and his whole body was shaking. Louis helped him through it before he removed his fingers and wiped them on the sheets.
Harry just laid there with his eyes closed, still trembling.
"Are you okay?" Louis asked and stroke his cheek.

"Mhm. Best orgasm I ever had. I felt it in my whole body. It was insane." Harry said. He opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times.

"That good?" Louis asked curiously.

"Yep. Wanna try it?" Harry grinned.

He was painfully hard.

Louis laid down on his back.
"Turned around if I'm gonna rim you first." Harry smiled. He grabbed a towel from the floor and ripped his stomach and chest.

"Oh. Okay. Yeah." Louis agreed and flipped over. He rutted his hips against the sheets a couple of times to try and find some kind of release.

He flinched when he heard the cap open. Harry spread his cheeks and he tried not to blush from the thought of Harry seeing his asshole. He flinched again when Harry poured the cold liquid over his most private part.
"Sorry." Harry giggled.

Louis tried to take calming breaths. Harry's hair tickled his skin and then he felt something warm and wet licking him. Damn! He tried to concentrate on his breathing. Harry dived right in without hesitation. It felt good. He couldn't help to rut his hips.
"I think I'm gonna make you come twice. You're so worked up." Harry said.

No wonder. He had just watched Harry come all over himself. Harry had a firm grip of his ass and rimmed him enthusiastically. The slurping sounds were obscene but it turned him on even more. He got up on his knees so he managed to get a hand on his cock and started to stroke himself. He came fast and hard as soon as Harry poked his tongue inside of him.

Harry moved away and he rolled to his back, avoiding the wet spot. The cleaning crew would really have something to talk about when they moved out of this hotel room. That thought made him giggle.
"What's so funny?" Harry questioned.

"I just thought about the poor cleaning crew that has to take care of these dirty sheets when we leave." Louis replied.

"Oh. We can always strip the bed. Fold the sheets nicely." Harry said and started to giggle as well.

They laughed together and when they managed to calm down Harry reached for the lube.
"Ready for round two?"

"Bring it." Louis smirked. He was more nervous about this part but he trusted Harry.

Harry slicked his fingers and Louis spread his legs. He looked down at his stomach and made a face.
"Hand me the towel."

Harry picked it up and handed it over and Louis wiped his stomach. He threw it on the floor and tried to relax. Soon he felt a finger prodding his entrance and he immediately tensed.
"You have to relax, Lou." Harry said softly.

"Easier said than done." Louis grunted.

Harry leaned down and took his dick in his mouth. Oh. Much nicer. It didn't take long for his cock to fill up. Harry blew him and pushed a finger inside. It felt weird, like an intrusion but the blow job took the edge off. He could relax.

Harry changed to two fingers and the stretch stung a little but it wasn't something he couldn't handle. Harry pumped his fingers in and out a couple of times and Louis moaned. Then he crooked them, looking for his prostate and Louis immediately knew when he found it. It felt like a shock value through his body, making his toes curl. He moaned out loud. Harry jabbed it again. He took his mouth off him so he could watch but he started to jerk him off instead. The intensity of it was a little scary and Louis was afraid to let go.
"Don't fight it." Harry said and put pressure on his prostate.

Louis fell apart completely. He came with a high-pitched scream and his load reached his cheek. Harry helped him through it. When Louis was soft Harry grabbed his own cock and pumped it a couple of times and came on Louis's stomach, with a guttural moan. Louis watched him come and then he looked at his stomach. Harry just jizzed on him. He didn't mind.
"Good?" Harry asked when he managed to catch his breath.

"Fantastic." Louis answered.

Harry pulled his fingers out and let go of his cock. He scooped up some of their loads with a fingertip and put it in his mouth and winked at him. Louis's breath got caught in his throat. That was so dirty. Hot but dirty.

Harry threw himself next to him.
"I think that went well for our first time, don't you?"

"Yeah. It was nice. Who knew?" Louis chuckled.

"Well, we do now." Harry giggled.

Louis smiled at him. They shared a secret. He reached down to get the towel and wiped his stomach.
"You fucking jizzed on me." He chuckled.

"Yeah, sorry. Was that okay? I should have asked before I dumped my load on you." Harry answered and bit his lower lip.

"It's okay Haz. It was hot." Louis reassured him.

"Look at us. We're naturals at this." Harry smirked.

"Next time I might come on your face." Louis joked and immediately regretted it. That sounded really bad.

But Harry just gasped.
"Yeah. Do that."

Louis turned his head and looked at him.
"Really? You'd want that?"

Harry blushed and nodded his head. He looked embarrassed.
"Hey, don't be embarrassed about it. That sounds insanely sexy, to be honest."

Harry relaxed and smiled. Then he let out a yawn.
"Time for bed?" Louis asked.

"Yeah." Harry agreed.

They went into the bathroom and washed up quickly and brushed their teeth before they crawled into Harry's bed together. They both fell asleep within minutes.

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