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They stayed for a couple of days before they drove to Holmes Chapel to see Harry's family. He was a little nervous but not like Louis had been. His mum had talked a lot about everyone's right to love who they loved and that it was okay. She had also talked a lot about gender identification, maybe because he loved to dress up in dresses as a kid and she wanted him to know that it didn't matter what he identified as. He loved her for that but he was comfortable as a male even if he still fancied dresses.

He asked Louis to join him in the conversation and they sat down in the kitchen when they had arrived. He doesn't feel the need to clarify his sexuality. He just announced that Louis was his boyfriend and that he was really happy. His mum Anne just smiled and said that she was happy for them. His sister Gemma was equally chill about it.

They spent a couple of days with his family as well before they returned to London. They spent some quiet time at home before they got ready for the next part of their tour. They knew that they had to inform their management about their relationship at some point but they felt no rush to do so. They weren't ready to come out to the world. Instead, they focused on the band and their relationship that was going really well.

They had a great first show in Paris. They returned to their hotel room for the night. Harry went over to Louis's suitcase and found what he was looking for. He held up the deck of Uno cards.
"Fancy a game?" He smirked.

"Sure, but we're doubling your spanks." Louis chuckled.

That made Harry really excited.

The End

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