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He managed to get back to the hotel room without being seen. Harry was waiting for him.
"What took you so long?"

Louis walked up to the bed and put the bag on it.
"Well, I googled some things at dinner and I realized that we needed a couple of more items. Just keep an open mind and we shouldn't feel embarrassed about this, okay?"

"You make me nervous. What is it?" Harry giggled.

Louis took a deep breath. If they were ready to do the things they wanted to do, they had to be grown-ups about it.
"Well, to be able to do anal stuff we have to get clean there, so it will be pleasurable for both of us. Do you understand what I'm getting at?"

"No poop." Harry giggled.

"Yeah." Louis laughed. This was going better than expected.

"You need special stuff for that? I just thought some soap and water would do the trick." Harry wondered.

"Here, just read this." Louis said and fished out his phone from his pocket.

He found the page he had been reading and handed the phone to Harry who immediately started to read with interest.
"Oh, that makes sense. So, what's in the bag?"

Louis opened it and unfolded a package with the cleaning liquid. Harry was eyeing it curiously.
"Oh, so you spray this up your ass? Great!" He grinned.

"Yeah." Louis chuckled.

"Here are tips on what kind of fibers you should eat as a bottom. I'm totally ordering this stuff when we get home." Harry said.

Louis's ears turned red from hearing Harry refer to himself as a bottom. He kept himself occupied and took out the lube and showed it to Harry, explaining what it was. Harry smiled excitedly. Then he found the ointment and tossed it over.
"Thank God. I've been having trouble sitting." Harry laughed.

Louis hesitated before he showed him the buttplug. Harry's eyes grew wide.

"You would consider wearing it?" Louis asked. Harry constantly surprised him.

"Sure, if it fits." Harry grinned.

He grabbed one of the meaning kits.
"So how do I do this!"

"You want to do it now?" Louis asked.

"You don't?" Harry questioned at looked at him.

"Yeah, let's do it. Ehm, the sales clerk said that you only need like seven ounces of the liquid. You pour it in the bulb and insert it in your hole and let it come out again." Louis instructed with blushed cheeks.

"Alright. I'll go first then." Harry smiled and opened the package.

He smelled the liquid before he put it in the bulb and headed to the bathroom. Louis prepared one for himself to keep his mind occupied. He couldn't believe they were doing this and that Harry was so chill about it. He was really amazing.

Harry retrieved from the bathroom ten minutes later with a grin.
"It felt weird but now I'm clean. I washed the outside as well and I even shave." He informed without shame.

"Oh. I should probably do that too. Ehm, I'll just go then." Louis said and grabbed a box before he headed to the bathroom.

He opened the box and read the instructions. Apparently it was easier on all fours. Harry did this? He took his pants off and filled the bulb before he got down on the floor. He inserted the fluid with a hiss. It was cold! He got up and sat down on the toilet to let it out before he pulled his hoodie over his head and got in the shower. He washed and shaved quickly. Damn, this whole gay business required a lot of preparation. He smirked at his own thoughts before he got out and dried himself on a fluffy towel. He didn't bother to get dressed and wrapped the towel around his waist.

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