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They picked the guys up at the airport. Harry and Louis got dressed in a hurry when they saw where they were going, a couple of minutes before they arrived. They went to the common area to wait for their bandmates. Niall was the first one to enter the bus. He sniffed the air.
"It reaks in here."

Harry blushed and Louis pulled him closer. Niall looked at them. He was confused but then he realized something.
"Oh. Oh! The limp. The soar throat. You two had sex! That's the smell in here!" He shouted and pointed between them back and forth.

"Sorry about that. Makeup sex." Louis apologized.

"So you worked it through?" Zayn asked.

"Yep. We have confessed our fluffy feelings for each other. Thanks, Zayn. I owe you one." Louis smiled.

Niall gasped and threw a hand over his mouth.
"It's not just sex? You're in love? That's wonderful. Oh, I'm so happy for you. Look guys, they're adorable."

"Uhm, thanks Niall, that means a lot. I hope you're all okay with this?" Harry said.

"Of course!" Niall immediately said.

"Yeah." Zayn smiled.

"I don't mind." Liam said.

"Good." Harry beamed.

"I can't believe I missed this. The signs were all there! Our own gay couple in the band." Niall cooed.

"I'm not gay. I'm...whatever, in love with Louis. That's enough for me." Harry smiled.

"Well, I'm gay, and in love with Harry." Louis said and pecked Harry on the lips.

"Aaaaaw. Adorable!" Niall cooed. He had taken a seat opposite them and was staring at them, resting his chin on his hands on the table.

"Uhm, thanks. Are you gonna be this creepy from now on?" Louis smirked.

"I'm not creepy!" Niall huffed.

"A little creepy there mate." Zayn chuckled.

He and Liam took a seat as well.
"I'm glad that you made up but what happens now?"

Louis looked at Harry.
"What do you say, love? I'm in no hurry. We just got together and I want to tell my mum first of all but I have to do that in person and I'm nervous about her reaction, to be honest."

"I'm sure she'll be supportive. She loves you." Harry replied softly.

"I hope so. I mean, I know she does but she's religious. My kind isn't exactly welcomed in churches." Louis snorted but they could all see how much that bothered him.

"You're too good for that anyway." Zayn said.

Louis smiled at him and cuddled Harry closer.
"I want to tell my family in person too. We just got together. Let's just enjoy this privately first. There's no rush." Harry said.

"Look at us communicating." Louis chuckled and pressed a kiss to Harry's cheek.

They arrived at the stadium they were performing at and had an amazing show. Afterward, they checked in to a hotel and Harry and Louis were back at sharing a room. Louis managed to swap their two single beds for one with a king-size bed. They said good night to the boys and disappeared into their room. They were kissing the second they had closed the door behind them and made their way over to the bed, leaving a trail of clothes behind them.

Harry burst out in a fit of giggles when Louis pulled out a bottle of lube that he had hidden in the front of his jeans.
"That's the definition of the term coming prepared."

"I didn't want to waste time looking for it in that disaster I call a suitcase." Louis smirked.

Harry kissed the tip of his nose and laid down on his back on the bed. He had managed to remove all his clothes.
"Actually...do you mind if we switch?" Louis said.

"You want to bottom? But you said..." Harry questioned and Louis interrupted him.

"I only said no because I needed it to mean something. I want to try it."

"You want romance. You're such a cutie. Come here." Harry said emotionally and made grabby hands.

Louis crawled on top of him and they kissed for a while. Then Harry spun them around.
"I'm the top this time, Boobear."

"Are you really gonna use that nickname on me now when we're about to have sex?" Louis grunted.

"Pumpkin?" Harry suggested with a grin.

"Just fuck me already!" Louis laughed.

"I'm not gonna fuck you." Harry said.

"Why not?" Louis wondered, looking surprised.

"I'm gonna make sweet loooove to you." Harry smirked.

"Oh, shut up!" Louis laughed.

Harry just giggled and leaned in for a kiss. He continued to trail kisses down Louis's body, taking his time exploring. He grabbed the lube and coated his fingers and opened him up slowly so Louis wouldn't feel any discomfort or pain. He lubed his dick and put the tip against Louis's hole and started to push inside. Louis panicked.
"Fuck! Stop! You're too big!"

Harry immediately stopped. He looked down at Louis and caressed his cheek.
"You're thicker than me. I won't stretch you as much as you do me."

"I'm sorry. That must have hurt." Louis said apologetically, trying to breathe.

"A little. I loved it." Harry grinned.

"You and your fucking pain kink." Louis muttered but he smiled fondly.

"We don't have to do this if you're not ready." Harry said softly and pecked his lips.

"I do. Just give me a sec." Louis said and took a couple of deep, calming breaths before he nodded his head.

Harry pushed in again, a few inches at a time. Louis's face was crumbled in discomfort. Harry decided to distract him.
"The first time I met you was one of the best days of my life. You were the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. I got butterflies in my stomach and I just wanted to continue to talk to you forever, get to know you."

Louis just stared at him in awe with his mouth slightly opened. Harry has pushed inside a few inches more and continued his ramble.
"And then we were put in a band together and I found out just how amazing you are. You're so sweet and kind and funny and I fell helplessly in love with you but I was too shy and insecure to say anything. I just admired you and my heart beat extra fast every time you were around. I found myself getting lost in your eyes. They're my favorite color and the change with your mood or the things you wear."

Louis's eyes were wet and he blinked a couple of times. Harry had almost pushed all the way inside. There were just a few inches left.
"Being around you makes me so happy and I love everything about you, Lou."

He had bottomed out and stopped.
"I love you too." Louis said.

Harry leaned down to capture his lips and they kissed softly. He could feel Louis relax so he pulled out and pushed inside slowly. Louis gasped.
"Okay?" He asked as he broke the kiss to be able to look at him.

"Yeah, go on." Louis smiled.

Harry repeated the same motion, making sure that Louis could take it. When Louis showed no sign of discomfort anymore he kissed him while he built up a steady pace.

It was everything Louis had dreamt of. Harry was sweet and soft and loving, kissing him and touching him.
"Wrap your legs around my waist." Harry mumbled and he did as he was told.

The new position made Harry hit his prostate dead on and Louis moaned out loud. Harry picked up the pace and reached between them to help Louis reach his high. A couple of thrusts later Louis came with a high-pitched scream and Harry was close behind him. They laid there panting afterward. Louis grabbed Harry's face with both hands and kissed him.
"Thank you. That was perfect."

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