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They played six more shows before they finally were done with their USA tour. It had been amazing but they all missed England and longed for their families and friends. They were getting three weeks off before they would continue their tour in Europe.

They took an early flight and spent most of it sleeping or talking. Back in London, a car took them to Princess Park, a complex they were all living in but Harry and Louis were the only ones sharing an apartment. They said good night to the boys and unlocked their apartment door.
"It feels good to be home!" Louis said with a grin.

"Yeah, and now I can finally do this here. You have no idea how many times I have fantasized about it." Harry smiled and took a step forward and kissed him.

Louis wrapped his arms around him and returned the kiss.
"I've had the same fantasy." Louis said as they broke free.

"What else have you fantasized Bout doing with me here?" Harry smirked.

Louis swooped him off his feet and carried him towards the kitchen. Harry giggled.
"Kitchen table." Louis said.

"Ooooh. I like how you think." Harry grinned.

A couple of days later they had broken in their apartment by having sex in every room. They just slept, ate, and had sex for five days until they both had trouble walking. Later when they were laying in bed on their fifth day home Louis brought up a subject he had been thinking a lot about.
"I want to tell my mum about us. Could you come with me to Doncaster, Harry? I need the support. I'm really nervous about her reaction."

"Of course I'll come with you. Can we go by my mum's as well?" Harry asked.

"Absolutely." Louis smiled.

Louis didn't sleep much that night. He went over what he was gonna say repeatedly. What if his mum never wanted to see him again? What if he wouldn't be allowed to see his sisters again? That would break him. But he needed to tell her about who he was. He didn't want to hide his love for Harry.

He called the next morning and gave her a heads up that he was coming for a visit and that he was bringing Harry with him. It wasn't the first time Harry had visited the Tomlinson household but this time he would join him as his boyfriend. They packed a bag and drove off.

Harry tried to keep up a conversation but Louis was lost in thought. As they reached his family home Harry took his hand and squeezed it.
"It's gonna be okay, love. Whatever happens, I'll be there all the way. You can count on me."

"Thanks. I love you so fucking much Harry." Louis said emotionally.

"I love you more." Harry answered.

They had reached the house and Harry parked the car and turned off the engine. Louis didn't move. He gulped nervously.
"I think I should tell her by myself if that's okay?"

"Of course. This is your thing even if we're in this together." Harry answered.

Louis got out of the car and Harry was close behind. They went inside the house. Louis's sisters came running into the hallway to hug him. Harry got a hug as well. Louis's mother Jay came to greet them as well and hugged both of them.

Louis's sisters were talking nonstop and he gave them his full attention as they walked into the kitchen. Jay went to make some tea and they all sat down at the large kitchen table. Everyone asked about the tour. Harry mostly answered the questions. Louis was too nervous. He just wanted to get this over with, the talk with his mum. Jay brought them tea.
"Ready?" Harry mouthed at Louis who nodded his head.

"Uhm, girls, wanna show me your rooms so Louis and Jay can have some alone time to catch up?" Harry asked.

The girls got up and ran upstairs and Harry followed behind. Louis gave him a thankful smile. As soon as they had left he turned to look at his mum.
"How are you, sweetie? Are you getting enough sleep? You don't work too hard, right?" Jay asked in concern.

"I'm fine mum. Actually, there's something I want to talk to you about. Ehm, something wonderful. I really hope you'll think so too." Louis started off.

"Alright." Jay smiled and waited for him to continue.

"So, lately, ehm...things between...ehm...I'm....crap." Louis stuttered. His heart was beating drastically and a cold sweat covered his back.

Jay put a hand on his arm and squeezed it.
"Whatever it is you can tell me. Did you get someone pregnant?"

"What? No!" Louis said.

"Alright." Jay smiled. She looked relieved.

"It's just...Harry and I...we're together. Mum, I'm gay." Louis finally managed to say and stared at his mum with big, scared eyes, waiting for her reaction. He was about to faint.

Jay smiled.
"You're in love? I always suspected it. That's wonderful."

Louis's lower lip started to wobble.
"You really think that or is that just something you say? You heard that I'm gay, right?"

"I heard you, sweetie. I don't care. I just want you to be happy. Does Harry make you happy?"

"Yes." Louis wailed and burst out crying.

Jay immediately pulled him in for a comforting hug.
"Don't cry. Were you scared of how I would react?"

"Yeah." Louis sobbed.

"I love you, Louis. Nothing would ever change that." Jay replied, getting a little teary-eyed.

"But God..." Louis managed to get out.

"Preaches love not judgment. I want you to love and be loved." Jay said.

"And I do. Harry is amazing mum. He's so good to me. So sweet and caring and loving." Louis sniffled.

"That's all a mother hopes for when it comes to her children. I'm happy for you both." Jay replied.

Louis dried his eyes and picked up his phone to text Harry that it was okay to come back down. He showed up a minute later.
"Are you okay?" He immediately asked, taking in Louis's tear-drenched face.

"Yeah." Louis nodded.

Harry hesitated briefly but he walked over to hug him. He let go when Jay put a hand on his shoulder and turned around to face her.
"I hear that you're a wonderful boyfriend. Welcome to the family Harry." She smiled and hugged him. That made Louis burst into tears again and they immediately checked up on him.

"Don't mind me. I'm just over emotional over here." Louis waved them off.

Harry cupped his cheeks and wiped away his tears with his thumbs before he pecked his lips. Jay watched them with a smile on her lips.

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