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When Louis woke up the next morning Harry was nowhere to be seen. His bed was made and he had left the hotel room. Louis got up and took a quick shower before he headed down to eat breakfast. He was the last one to arrive.
"Good morning." He greeted. Harry didn't as much as glance at him.

A couple of hours later it was crystal clear that Harry was avoiding him. As the day passed Louis was panicking more and more. His head was screaming at him that he fucked up and had to fix it. He had made it sexual. Harry must have noticed that he got hard and felt uncomfortable and that was why he avoided him.

They were on their tour bus so there weren't really any opportunities to talk to Harry one on one without the guys questioning it. He didn't know what to say anyway. I'm sorry that I got turned on by spanking you? Crap! He couldn't say that! He had to say that, or something like that.

Harry said that he was tired when the boys wondered why he was so quiet. Louis tried to act normal so they wouldn't figure out that Harry wasn't talking to him. He had to make this right! When Harry excused himself and said that he was gonna rest a little and disappeared in the back of the bus he saw his chance. He came up with a lame excuse a couple of minutes later and hurried to the back. There was a small room there with sofas and a door.

He snuck inside and closed the door behind him. Harry was laying on the sofa. He looked up from his phone and tensed when he saw who it was.
"I'm sorry." Louis blurted out.

"For what?" Harry questioned.

"Last night. Playing that game was a bad idea. It's weird between us now. Please stop avoiding me." Louis said nervously.

Harry sighed and put his phone away.
"I'm sorry too for making it all weird."

"We're okay?" Louis asked.

"Yeah." Harry smiled.

Louis let out a breath of relief and threw himself down next to Harry on the sofa. They talked and laughed and giggled just like they used to and Louis was so happy that things were back to normal.

Two days passed. They had another show in Denver. Louis was absent-minded. He couldn't stop thinking about that Uno game between him and Harry. At first, he had just been mortified and then soothed by the fact that things were okay between them, but he couldn't stop playing that frequency where he spanked Harry over and over in his head. If he wasn't totally delusional, Harry had liked it too. He fucking moaned. Sort of. He would have if he hadn't suppressed it.

He wanted so badly to test that theory but he couldn't do that. If he was wrong things would just become really fucking awkward. He didn't want to risk it so he decided to forget all about it.
"Let's celebrate!" Niall shouted as soon as they were settled into their hotel rooms.

"Celebrate what?" Liam wondered.

"Life. Tour. Friendship. Whatever rocks your boat. We survived yet another week. We have the day off tomorrow. Let's get drunk!" Niall grinned.

They all agreed and raided their minibars. They made drinks and sat down on the floor. They were hanging out in Harry and Louis's room as usual.  Niall raised his glass.
"Cheers guys!"

They clinked their glasses and drank.
"Put on some music." Louis said.

"We don't want to disturb the other guests." Liam replied.

"I guess I won't be throwing the tv out the window then. Come on! It doesn't have to be loud." Louis answered.

Niall took out his phone and pulled out his 'sick beats to party to' playlist. Benny Benassi's Satisfaction started playing. He laid the phone on a table before he took another sip of his rum and coke.

They drank and talked. An hour later they were all in different stages of drunk. That was when Louis came up with a brilliant idea (according to himself, but he might have been the drunkest of them).
"Let's go skinny dipping!"

Harry giggled, Niall laughed.
"We can't leave the hotel. I don't even know if there's a lake nearby." Niall said.

"Hotel pool." Louis smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"That's not allowed." Liam protested.

"Oh, for fucks sake! We behave all the time! We perform and we go back to our hotel room like good little boys. Do you think Rolling Stones or Nirvana sat in a ring and discussed things like this before they trashed a hotel room?" Louis grunted.

"We're not trashing a hotel room!" Liam immediately said.

"Of course not, but I'm gonna swim naked in the pool at least. Who's with me?" Louis grinned and looked around at the boys.

Harry immediately raised his hand.
"I knew I could count on you, curly." Louis grinned.

"Yeah, me too!" Niall said.

They got up. Liam crossed his arms over his chest.
"I'm not gonna help you when you get caught. I'm going to bed. Zayn?"

"I'm skinny dipping." Zayn smirked and got up as well.

They fetch a towel each, all giggling like crazy as they got out of the room and headed down to the pool area. They peeked around the corner at the reception desk. Louis put a finger over his lips and hushed them. When the woman behind the counter looked away they managed to sneak past her.

They closed the door to the patio behind them. The pool area was empty but they had expected it to be at this time at night. They giggled as they hurried to undress. Louis was the first one to jump into the pool with Harry as a close second. Niall made a canon ball and finally Zayn jumped in at the shallow part where he could reach the bottom.

They tried to keep quiet so they wouldn't get caught but they were drunk. Louis started a water fight and ten minutes later someone from the staff showed up.
"The pool is closed, wait, are you guys naked?"

"We couldn't find our swimwear."  Louis lied.

"Get out of the pool. Now." The man said sternly.

"Well, turn around. We're not putting up a show for you." Louis laughed.

The man looked very uncomfortable but be turned around. Niall got up first, followed by Zayn. They wrapped their towels around their waist. Harry jumped up to haul himself over the edge and Louis didn't know what came over him. Harry's naked bum was just there and before he could think things through he spanked him hard. He could hear Harry inhale sharply. He turned his head to look at him and Louis blushed.
"Sorry. Couldn't miss out on that opportunity." Yeah, that didn't exactly smooth things over. Why the hell did he say that for?

Harry just smirked at him and got out from the pool. Louis hurried to get up as well and wrapped a towel around his waist. They collected their clothes and hurried back to their rooms. Niall and Zayn said good night and went to their own rooms.

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