Alyssia's Team

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The pic is what Alyssia looks like, the pendant on her choker is her keystone.
Alyssia's pokemon

Male Sceptile
Moves: Leaf Blade, Dual Chop, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor

Moves: Dragon Pulse, Psychic, Zen Headbutt, Water Pulse

Female Lopunny
Moves: Dizzy Punch, Thunder Punch, Jump Kick, Focus Blast

Male Houndoom
Moves: Flamethrower, Crunch, Fire Fang, Smog

Female Tyranitar
Moves: Dark Pulse, Stone Edge, Ice Beam, Hyper Beam

Female Mawile
Moves: Iron Head, Play Rough, Vice Grip, Shadow Ball

All of her pokemon have mega stones and can mega evolve, which is how she got the title of Mega Evolution Master.

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