An Aerial Battle

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A few days pass us by as we continue to travel. Steven suggested we go to his home in Mossdeep City, and I agreed. After we left Petalburg Woods, we came to Rustboro City. There, we stopped at the Devon Corporation building where I got to meet Steven's dad, the president of Devon Corporation. He was really kind and talked about how it was unusual for Steven to suddenly start traveling with a girl he just met. I couldn't contain my laughter as Steven would turn red and interrupt his father, hoping for his embarrassment to end. We soon continued on our way, passing by Meteor Falls. Steven had told me before that Mossdeep City was on the other side of the region, and that riding Latios would be the fastest way to get there. I told him I'd rather go by foot and take our time going there. He didn't argue, but instead agreed with me and said that it only made our journey together that much longer. I felt so happy inside knowing that Steven wanted to spend time traveling with me.

Now passing Fallarbor Town, we soon met a guy on the road who had a keystone on his belt. He must've noticed our keystones, because he immediately stopped us. "Hey there! I couldn't help but notice you two have keystones. Would either of you like to battle?" I smirked and stepped forward, "That depends, would you like to fight the Hoenn champion, or the Mega Evolution Master?" His eyes widened as he gasped, "You?! But you're just a girl, there's no way-" I scoffed, "Well, if you're afraid to fight me, then so be it." I started walking past him until he got in front of me, forcing me to stop. "Hold it, I do want to battle you." I sighed, releasing all of my pokemon as I said, "Fine, choose your opponent." He looked at each of my pokemon, finally pointing to Latios. He released a Pidgeot with it's mega stone fastened around it's leg. I then returned my other pokemon as I realized he wanted an aerial battle. We got in our places and mega evolved our pokemon, ready to start this battle as Steven sat on the sidelines and watched.

The man was the first to move, "Pidgeot, Wing Attack!" Pidgeot flew toward Latios at high speed. "Latios, into the sky!" Latios flew straight up into the air. "After it, don't let it get away!" Pidgeot flew up after Latios. I smirked, knowing that no one can beat Latios' speed. Finally, Pidgeot stopped midair, not able to catch Latios. "Pidgeot, Twister!" Pidgeot flapped it's wings, whipping up a twister that headed for Latios. "Stop it with Psychic!" Latios stopped the twister in its tracks, causing it to disperse. The man gritted his teeth and yelled, "Brave Bird!" Pidgeot flew at high speed toward Latios. I simply said, "Latios, wait for it!" Latios knew what to do when I said that. He stopped, waiting for Pidgeot to get closer. When Pidgeot got right in front of Latios, I yelled, "Now! Zen Headbutt!" Latios flew up, dodging Pidgeot, and looped down, ramming Pidgeot down toward the ground. Latios pulled up as Pidgeot plummeted to the ground. I saw Pidgeot slowly rising up and yelled, "Finish it with Dragon Pulse!" He shot a beam down at Pidgeot, getting a direct hit as dust clouded the area. When the dust cleared, Pidgeot was already changed back and fainted on the ground. Latios changed back and flew down to me, letting me hug him as I said, "Great job!" The man returned his Pidgeot as I returned Latios. Steven rushed over to me saying, "Congratulations! That was an amazing battle." I smiled, "Thanks!" The man came over with his hands in his pockets and said, "I'm sorry about what I said before, and thanks for battling me. It was probably a waste of time battling a loser like me." I shook my head, "Don't say that, you battled well. That battle was really fun." The man chuckled, "Then I'll just have to train harder. See ya." And with that, he passed by us and walked off into the distance.

Steven then said, "Come on, we should get going." I nodded, "Right." As we walked, Steven asked, "Have you ever lost a battle before? Because each time you battle you always seem to win." "Well, ever since I got all of my pokemon mega evolving, I haven't. Don't get me wrong, before then, I lost plenty of battles." "You could quite possibly be the strongest trainer ever." I blushed a bit and replied, "Steven, You flatter me too much." "I'm sorry, but I just can't help myself." My eyes widen, I didn't expect him to say that. After a little more walking, we stopped for a break. We let all of our pokemon out as we all ate fruit and berries from some nearby trees. I then noticed Aggron sharing food with Tyranitar, and couldn't help myself from saying, "How sweet." Steven, who was sitting beside me, looked at me and then at the pokemon. A smile appeared on his face as he said, "Looks like they're getting along great." I nodded, "And it's so cute." After I'd finished my apple, I stated, "I'm still a little hungry, I'm gonna get another apple." Before I could get up, Steven held out an apple to me. "Thanks." As I reached for the apple, he pulled it back. I froze in confusion, then asked, "What gives?" "This is the last apple, so let's share like Aggron and Tyranitar." "Oh, alright." He held it up to my mouth, letting me take a bite of it, before taking a bite himself. Normally, I wouldn't share food like this, but with Steven, I didn't really mind. As it got dark, we decided to sleep there tonight. Steven must've noticed Aggron and Tyranitar snuggled up together sleeping, because as we sat together, he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer. I let him know that I didn't mind by snuggling closer to him, eventually falling asleep.

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