The Journey Continues

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The next few days we spend at Steven's house, relaxing and having fun. We even let our pokemon stay out of their pokeballs so they could enjoy themselves. I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling a bit thirsty. I wiggled out of Steven's arms and climbed out of bed, heading to the kitchen. Before I could get a drink, I heard a weird noise outside. I went to the window and looked out to see the pokemon still sleeping. I watched for a second before dismissing it as nothing. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water, gulping down the whole glass. I jumped, suddenly feeling arms wrap around me and something pressed against my back. I look back to see Steven with a tired expression. "Alyssia, come back to bed." I giggled, "I'm sorry, I just wanted some water." Without saying another word, we headed back to bed, snuggling up and happily drifting to sleep. The next morning, I wake up to see Steven's face. He smiles, "Good morning." "Morning, Steven. How long have you been up?" "Not long, it did give me a chance to admire you while you slept." I laughed and sat up, giving him a quick kiss before climbing out of bed. We took turns in the bathroom, eating breakfast together afterwards. When we finished, Steven started getting the pokemon's food ready while I headed outside to see them all. I froze at the amazing sight before me.

I walked over to Aggron and Tyranitar, who were huddled together with an egg at their feet. That must've been what I heard last night. I pet them both on the head and said, "Wow, I can't believe you're actually parents now. Congratulations." They both cried happily as I bent down and picked up the egg. I cradled it in my arms as I heard the door open. I heard Steven say, "Alright, time for breakfast. Alyssia, What are you doing?" I turned toward him with a smile on my face as I held the egg. "Look, Steven, Aggron and Tyranitar are parents." He set down the trays of pokemon food and rushed over to me, eyes wide. I showed him the egg before setting it back down. I went and got some of the pokemon food and took it over for Aggron and Tyranitar. They quickly ate it all as Steven and I watched. Steven wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer to him. He kissed my cheek and whispered, "I hope you and I will be parents someday." I smiled, "We will, I can guarantee it." He nuzzled my neck until we suddenly heard what sounded like a boat.

We looked down over at the pier to see a small ship docked. Steven and I rushed over to see Cynthia. She waved at us, "Hey, you two ready to leave?" I nodded and said, "Yeah, just let us get a few things first." "Alright then, I'll be waiting." Steven and I rushed back to his house, packing our things. We returned our pokemon and I told Aggron and Tyranitar, "Don't worry, I'll take care of your egg." They nodded as we returned them and Steven handed me a purse-like bag with a soft cushiony inside. He said, "We can keep the egg in here. It'll stay warm and safe." I nodded and placed the egg inside. "A perfect fit. Thanks, Steven." He smiled and we rushed back to Cynthia. She asked, "Got everything?" We both nodded and I showed her the egg and said, "Look, my Tyranitar and Steven's Aggron had an egg." She smiled, "Wow, I bet you're looking forward to when it hatches." "You bet, I can't wait to see if it's a Larvitar or an Aron." Steven then said, "Well, I guess we should be going." Cynthia nodded and we followed her onboard her ship. Her ship took us away from Hoenn and to the open sea. Her ship was pretty nice, and Steven and I got to share a classy room. After a few days, I could see land in the distance, and I knew it was Sinnoh. I leaned on the railing, looking out at the region ahead. I looked beside me at Steven, who held my hand and gazed out at the view. I looked on my other side to see Cynthia, flashing me a smile. I looked back at the region that got closer and closer, and so begins a new journey.

The End

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