Leaving Mossdeep

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I wake up early the next morning, seeing Steven asleep next to me. I smiled and slowly loosened his arms from around me, getting up and heading to the bathroom. I change clothes and go outside to see our pokemon still sleeping. Houndoom opens his eyes and looks at me, tilting his head in confusion. I put a finger to my lips, telling him to be quiet. He gets up and follows me as I head down to the beach. I sit on the sand with Houndoom beside me. I pet his head and look out at the ocean. I smile to myself as I think about everything that's happened since I got to Hoenn. I first came to this region to see the murals in Granite Cave, where I met Steven. Then we battled and began traveling together. We had so much fun, and there was nothing that could stand in our way. Then we finally made it here, to Mossdeep City. We traveled across the region, where do we go from here? Steven may suggest a few more places to visit, and I'd gladly go, but after that, then what? I'd definitely like to go to the other regions, but what about Steven? He's the champion, he can't just leave Hoenn to go adventuring. Will I have to say goodbye? I can always come back and visit, but who knows how many times I'd have to come back, I'm not even sure I could afford to. I sigh and stare out to sea.

Steven's pov

I slowly open my eyes and stretch, realizing that Alyssia isn't here. "Alyssia?" I sit up and look around the room for her. I quickly get up and change, then head outside. I look around, seeing all the pokemon waking up and stretching, except Houndoom, who's missing. I sigh in relief, knowing that he probably went with Alyssia. I tell the pokemon to stay there until I come back. They all nod and I walk out towards town. I don't see Alyssia anywhere, so I try the next place I think of, the beach. Sure enough, I see Alyssia and Houndoom sitting on the sand, looking out at the sea. I slowly walk over and sit next to Alyssia. She looks at me and says, "Steven, I'm sorry I left without letting you know." I gave her a smile and replied, "It's alright, but why are you out here?" She sighed, "Just thinking." "About?" She hesitated before saying, "Where I plan to go. And I've decided that I'd like to go to the other regions after I've seen everything here." "That sounds like a great idea." She looked at me with tears streaming down her face. "Don't you see, Steven? You're the champion, you'll have to stay here. I'll be traveling without you." It broke my heart to see her so upset like this. She is right though, as champion, I can't just leave. She turns away from me as I'm left thinking. No, it doesn't matter, I just want to travel with her, but what can I do? I finally answer, "No, you won't. I'll be by your side the whole way, wherever you go, I go." "But how?" "I don't know, but I'll find a way." "Really?" "Yeah, I promise. So don't cry." I hug her and wipe her tears away. She returns my hug before standing up and saying, "Well then, where to next?"

Alyssia's pov

I smile as Steven and Houndoom both stand up. As we head back to Steven's house, he tells me, "Sootopolis City is close to here, a friend of mine is also a gym leader there. I'd like for you to meet him." "Ok then, Sootopolis City it is." We eat breakfast at Steven's house before setting out for Sootopolis. We ride Latios over the ocean, and I became quite confused. I can see a mountain-like structure, but no city. Steven points at the mountain and says, "There it is." "That's Sootopolis City? I thought it was a mountain." "It looks that way, but inside is the city." Latios stops at the base of the mountain as I ask, "How do we get in?" "There are two ways, we can either dive underwater, or fly in from above. I'd prefer to fly over, but it's up to you." I gulped and said, "You're right, Steven. Latios, take us up." Latios slowly flew higher and higher. Steven asked, "Are you sure? I know you're afraid of heights." "I'm sure. If we had our swimsuits on, we'd definitely be going for a swim instead." Steven chuckled as I looked down, seeing the ocean below getting farther and farther. I began shaking, my nerves getting to me. Steven must've noticed, because he quickly wrapped his arms tightly around me. If he wasn't behind me, I'd bury my face in his chest.

As I continued looking down at the ocean below, one of Steven's hands went over my eyes. "Just don't think about it. Push it out of your mind." I tried thinking happy thoughts, but the wind around me reminded me that we were high in the sky. "Steven, I can't do it." I began panicking a bit now. "Then I'll help you." He turned my head to the side and I suddenly felt his lips on mine. He kissed me passionately, causing my fear to disappear. He kissed his way down to my neck and back up to my lips again. When he pulled away, he uncovered my eyes and said, "We're here." I looked down to see us nearing the ground. I sighed in relief as Steven asked, "Was I distracting enough?" "Yeah, I was completely focused on you, I didn't even think about how high up we were." "Good, that's what I was wanting to hear." We got off Latios and I returned him, looking around. We stood beside a large tree in the middle of the the city. There were houses and other buildings on the rocky ledges around the water. In front of us was a large door, which I immediately walked over to. Steven told me, "This is the Cave of Origin, we're not allowed to go in." "That's fine, I was just looking. Why is it so special?"

"Because this is the place where the ancient pokemon come to awaken their true power." I jump at the unfamiliar voice behind us, and turn to see a young man with turquoise hair. Steven immediately says, "Wallace, I should've known." "Steven, it's good to see you again." So this must be Steven's friend. The man looked at me and said, "And forgive me for startling you. I'm the gym leader of Sootopolis, Wallace." I smiled, "I'm Alyssia, you must be the friend Steven was talking about." Wallace looked at Steven and said, "That's unusual for you to be traveling with someone, Steven." Steven stood beside me and said, "Well, Alyssia here is my girlfriend. Of course I'm going to travel with her." Wallace's eyes widened as he looked back and forth between us before smiling. "I'm so happy for you two. Where are you from, Alyssia?" I grinned, "I'm from Kalos, some call me the Mega Evolution Master. Perhaps you've heard of me?" He had a shocked expression as he said, "I have, I wish I could mega evolve my pokemon so I could battle with you." He thought for a second before saying, "Wait, I had a challenger earlier today who used mega evolution. He may still be in town, if you'd like to battle him." I shrugged, "Ok, bring it on."

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