Meeting in Granite Cave

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I summoned Latios from his pokeball and climbed onto his back. "To Dewford Town, let's go!" I pointed the way across the water and held on as Latios took off. Flying with Latios was always a lot of fun, and this time was no different. I smiled as I looked around at the crystal blue water around us. I took a minute to reach my hand down and touch the surface of the water. I noticed Latios glance back at me with a mischievous look in his eye. Next thing I know, Latios dove under the water and back out, flying straight again. He snickered at my soaking wet form, causing my angry expression to soften as I started laughing. I then sighed, "At least with all this flying, I'll dry off in no time." Latios cried out to me to get my attention, then I noticed rocks up ahead that jut out of the water. I smirked and leaned forward, "Get ready, Latios." As we got closer to the rocks, I leaned left and right with Latios in order to dodge them. Once we passed all the rocks, I saw an island town up ahead. "That must be Dewford Town. We're almost there." Latios sped up a bit after my statement.

Latios stopped on the beach and I climbed off his back. "Thanks, Latios." I returned him to his pokeball as I headed into town. I took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the ocean, and headed toward the pokemon center. I went inside and to the counter where Nurse Joy was. She smiled, "Welcome! How can I help you?" "I just need directions to Granite Cave, please." "It's just west of the town. It's not hard to find." "Ok, thanks." I waved to her as I left. I turned and followed Nurse Joy's directions and left the town. Just as she said, it wasn't hard to find. I stopped in front of the cave entrance, taking a deep breath as I mumbled, "I hope I don't get lost." Suddenly, Houndoom came out of his pokeball and barked at me. I smiled and pat his head, "So you want to join me in Granite Cave?" He barked and nodded in reply. I guess he was afraid I'd get lost or attacked, his usual overprotectiveness kicked in. "Alright then, we'll do this together." And with that, we took our first steps into Granite Cave.

There were lot's of different tunnels, I had to just randomly pick one to continue. Most pokemon we came across would keep their distance, and any that seemed to act like they would attack, Houndoom easily scared away with a growl. After searching for awhile, I stopped and groaned, "I think we're lost. At this rate, we'll never find that mural." I sighed and dropped to my knees for a quick break, tired from all that walking. Houndoom sniffed around and walked down the tunnel a bit until he was out of sight. "Houndoom?" I called out, and after a minute, Houndoom came rushing back to me. He barked and nudged me to get up and follow him. "What is it, boy? Did you find something?" I got up and followed Houndoom to the end of the tunnel. I was surprised to see the tunnel open up into a large room with pictures on the walls. I gasped, "Way to go, Houndoom! You found it!" I pet his head and continued up a small flight of stairs to the top. I stopped, with Houndoom by my side, and looked at the amazing mural in front of me. "The super ancient pokemon, Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre. Long ago, these titans fought, their immense power causing nothing but destruction to everything around them. When everyone lost hope, Mega Rayquaza appeared and fought off the ancient pokemon, restoring peace to the people and pokemon. Rayquaza was then called a savior and guardian of Hoenn. I remember reading about all of this."

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Houndoom turned and started growling. I knew that meant someone was behind us. I quickly turned, seeing a young man at the bottom of the stairs. He quickly said, "Forgive me, I didn't mean to startle you." I shook my head, "It's fine." I then realized Houndoom was still growling, and placed my hand on his head, "Houndoom, down boy." He stopped and sat down as I nervously scratched the back of my neck and said, "Sorry about him, he can be very protective." The man chuckled and started climbing the stairs, "It's alright, I can tell you have a strong bond with your Houndoom." As he reached the top of the stairs, he stood beside me, looking up at the mural and said, "I heard what you said about this mural. It seems you've studied up on these ancient pokemon." "I have, back in Kalos, I learned everything I could about mega evolution and the Primal pokemon." The man turned toward me and seemed to stare at me for a moment, then quickly said, "Ah, forgive me for not introducing myself sooner. My name's Steven Stone." He took my hand and kissed it, "And you are?" I knew his steel blue eyes and hair looked familiar. "Alyssia. It's a pleasure to meet the Hoenn region champion." He smiled, "Oh, so you know who I am." I nodded as I noticed his eyes travel to my neck. His smile faded as he stated, "You have a keystone." I then glanced at his shirt pocket and said, "So do you."

He stood there silently, as if in thought. I finally sighed and walked down the stairs, "Whatever, I was fixing to leave anyway." "Wait! Do you know the way out?" I stopped in my tracks and groaned a little as I slowly turned toward him again. "N-No." He chuckled and climbed down the stairs and stopped in front of me. "Why don't I show you the way out?" I hesitantly nodded as he smiled and started walking with Houndoom and me following behind. As we walked, I decided to ask, "How do you know your way around here?" "I come here often to look for evolution stones. You said you're from Kalos?" "Yep, I travelled all the way from Vaniville Town." "Wow, earned any gym badges?" "I'm not really into collecting badges, I just like travelling with my pokemon and finding new places." "I admit, I'm the same way. I love exploring caves and finding all kinds of gems and evolution stones. Something about it is just so...fascinating."

Everything went quiet as we neared the exit. I quickly rushed out ahead of Steven, taking a deep breath and stretching as Houndoom stopped at my side. Steven suddenly said, "So, do you travel alone?" I turned and looked at him with a smile on my face. "Yeah, but I always have my pokemon with me. There's nothing we can't handle." "I'd say so, judging by the mega stone around Houndoom's neck, you can obviously mega evolve him." I smirked and replied, "He's not the only one." Steven had a puzzled expression, so I grabbed my other pokeballs and threw them into the air, releasing my pokemon. Steven's eyes widen as he notices the mega stones around each of their necks. He then asked, "Wait a minute, are you, the Mega Evolution Master?!" I nodded and flicked my hair, "Yep, I'm surprised you've heard of me." "Of course, even here in Hoenn there have been rumors of the Mega Evolution Master. I just didn't expect it to be you." I smirked, "Well then, you wanna battle?"

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