Petalburg, Here We Come

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The next morning, I wake up to the sun's rays slipping past the curtains and across my face. I yawn as I sit up and stretch. I climb out of bed and change and fix my hair before leaving my room. When I go to the lobby to tell Nurse Joy that I'm leaving, I also see Steven leaning against the wall. When he sees me, he smiles and comes over to me, saying, "Good morning, Alyssia. Sleep well?" I nod, "Yep, now I'm rested and ready to go. By the way, what were you doing in here?" "Waiting for you. I told Nurse Joy that we'd be leaving today, so she got breakfast made for us." My eyes lit up, "Wow, really?! What are we waiting for?!" I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him along toward the kitchen area. Just like Steven said, there were two plates of pancakes waiting for us. We took them and sat down, quietly eating our meal.

When we finished, we headed back to the lobby. I went over to the front desk and said, "Thanks so much for the breakfast, Nurse Joy. It was delicious." She smiled, "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Be careful out there." We both waved as we left. Steven then asked, "Where do we go from here?" "Well, I arrived from Slateport City. You know this region, what's the next closest place?" "That would be Petalburg City, it's a little ways across the ocean from here." He pointed out in the direction of the sea as I grinned, "That won't be a problem." We walked north from Granite Cave until we came to the beach. I tossed out a pokeball, releasing Latios. I climbed onto his back, then looked over at Steven. "Well, what are you waiting for? C'mon!" I gestured Steven to get on. He hesitated, but finally climbed on behind me. I then said, "You might wanna hold on." He then wrapped his arms around me, and for some reason, I felt embarrassed. I looked back at him to see his face was a little pink. I waved it off and said, "Latios, take us across!" He quickly took off at my command.

Steven's pov

Was I seeing things?! When she looked back at me, I swear her face was red. But maybe I'm jumping to conclusions. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Alyssia's voice and Latios taking off across the water. This is actually really cool, being able to see the ocean under us as we flew. I then realized the way I was holding onto Alyssia and the scenery around us made it kind of romantic. It felt amazing just being this close to her, I barely realized what I was doing.

Alyssia's pov

As we flew, I suddenly felt Steven's arms tighten around me as his head was on my shoulder. I felt my face flush as I asked, "Steven, w-what are you doing?" "Just enjoying the scenery, and your company." I sighed, then it grew quiet. Luckily, we soon made it to the other side. We both got off Latios as I returned him and said, "Thank you, Latios." I then turned to Steven, "So where's Petalburg City?" He replied, "Just up ahead. Petalburg Woods is right past it. I figured that's where you'd want to go next." I nodded, "Look at that, you already know me so well." I laughed and started walking, leaving Steven looking dumbfounded before catching up to me. I'm starting to think he's got a bit of a crush on me, of course I can't complain, he is really handsome. Wait, did I really just think that?! Get it together, Alyssia, he's your friend, nothing more! I accidentally sighed out loud at myself, causing Steven to ask, "Is something wrong?" "What? No, I was just...lost in thought." He raised an eyebrow, then shrugged and didn't question further. I then realized we had arrived at Petalburg City. I kept walking as Steven asked, "You don't want to stop and see the City?" I shook my head, "I'd rather see Petalburg Woods, I hope you don't mind." "Not at all, I understand your sense of adventure. You'd rather explore a place not inhabited by people, right?" I nodded, "Exactly." He smiled as we continued past the town.

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