Leaving Kalos

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"Sceptile, use Leaf Blade!" And with that, the battle was over. The opposing Mega Swampert fell to the ground, changing back to normal as it's trainer rushed over to it. Mega Sceptile, also changing back to normal, walked over to my side as I gave him a pat on the head. "Good work, Sceptile, as always." I looked over at the other trainer, crouched beside his Swampert and saying, "I can't believe we lost." I frowned a little as I reached into my bag, walking over to him. "Here. You put up a good fight." In my hand, I held an oran berry. He looked up at me in surprise. "R-Really?" I nodded, causing him to smile and take it from me, giving a quick 'thanks' as he gave it to Swampert. Swampert ate it, immediately getting up alongside it's trainer with a mighty cry. The boy held out his hand to me, which I took as he said, "They don't call you the Mega Evolution Master for nothing. Thank you for having a battle with me." I smiled, "It was no problem, I enjoy a good battle. Keep training and you'll get even stronger." He nodded, "I will. See ya." He turned and left with Swampert by his side as I waved a goodbye. "Why don't you rest a bit, Sceptile?" He nodded as I returned him to his pokeball and continued on my way.

I was close to Shalour City, where I would soon leave Kalos behind. I began thinking back on everything that'd happened. I first started on my journey when I had met Treecko back in Vaniville Town, my home. He became my first pokemon as I began traveling. Unlike other trainers, I had no interest in getting gym badges and entering the Pokemon League. I only wanted to explore and meet all kinds of pokemon along the way. I slowly caught the rest of my team, Buneary, Houndour, Larvitar, and Mawile. I even met and befriended a Latios, who wanted to join me on my travels after I helped him when he got injured. I then went to Lumiose City, where I soon met Professor Sycamore. He's the one who first told me about mega evolution, and explained that each of my pokemon had the capability of mega evolving. That's when I started training to strengthen my bond with my pokemon as they got stronger. We went through a lot as we scoured the region for the mega stones and keystone required for my pokemon to mega evolve. We often got into some tight spots, but it was never anything we couldn't handle.

Once all my pokemon could mega evolve, we battled our way through any challenge. That's how I earned the title of Mega Evolution Master. I even got to battle against Diantha, the Kalos champion, and won. She became a good friend of mine after our battle. After a bit more traveling, I went back to see Professor Sycamore and learn all I could about mega evolution. He then told me about a place in Hoenn that depicted the ancient pokemon, Groudon and Kyogre, in their primal state. He suggested I go there and see for myself, so I said goodbye to the professor and my home in Vaniville Town. Diantha, being the champion and my friend, hooked me up with a luxurious cruise ship to Hoenn.

When I snapped out of my thoughts, I had arrived at Shalour City. I quickly headed to the port where the ship was soon to leave. I stopped before getting on, scanning the crowds of people. I groaned and tapped my foot as I waited. Diantha said she'd meet me here to see me off, but if she doesn't hurry, I'll have to leave without getting to say goodbye. I huffed in annoyance and crossed my arms as I looked out to sea. I then felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned to see Diantha with her hat and sunglasses on. I smiled, "Diantha! You made it!" She smiled back and lowered her sunglasses, "Of course, I didn't want to miss seeing you leave." She gave me a quick hug as she said, "Have fun on your new journey. I'll be waiting for your safe return." "That may be awhile, you know how I get wrapped up in my travels." She laughed, "Nonetheless, I'll see you soon." I heard the ship starting up and ran to get on as I yelled back, "Farewell, and thanks again for the nice ride!" Once I got onboard, I looked out and waved at her as the ship sailed away from the port. There were other people onboard the ship as well, and one girl I noticed had a pink hair ribbon, with a keystone attached. I smirked as I went to find my room, this should be an interesting trip.

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