No Longer Champion

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When we arrive in Mauville City, it was already dark, so we went to the pokemon center. We ate and went to our room, snuggling up in bed for the night. The next morning, we eat breakfast and leave the pokemon center. We spend time together, walking through Mauville hand in hand, chatting and enjoying ourselves for most of the day. As we walk, I start to frown a bit, thinking that this may be our last date. Steven must've noticed, because he stopped in front of me and placed his hands on my shoulders. "Alyssia, what's wrong?" I looked up into his eyes and said, "I was just thinking about how this might be our last date." He smiled, "I don't think it will be the last. I told you, we'll find a way." I simply nodded until I heard my stomach growl. Steven chuckled and I said, "I guess I'm kinda hungry." "C'mon, let's go to the food court." I smiled and we headed to the food court together. We got in line behind a woman with long, blonde hair. She was the only one in front of us, and getting a little closer, I could hear her mumbling, "Hmm, should I get the Magnemite Croquette or the Mauville Ramen Bowl. I just can't decide." I blinked a few times at the familiar voice until it hit me. I gasped, "Cynthia?! Is that you?!"

She turned around and looked at me, smiling, "Alyssia? Wow, it's been awhile." I gave her a quick hug and asked, "What are you doing here?" She laughed, "Well, right now I'm trying to decide what to eat." I giggled, "I mean, what are you doing here in Hoenn?" "You know I like to travel, same as you." I heard Steven cough behind me, and turned toward him. "Oh right, Steven, this is Cynthia. Cynthia, this is my boyfriend, Steven." They shook hands and Cynthia said, "So, Steven Stone, the Hoenn champion, is dating the Mega Evolution Master." Steven nodded, "That's right, and aren't you the Sinnoh champion?" She smiled, "That's me." I then interrupted, "Hey guys, why don't we get our food first, then we can talk." They both nodded, realizing that there were people lining up behind us. We all got the Mauville Ramen Bowl and sat at a table. As we ate, Steven asked, "So how do you two know each other?" Cynthia replied, "I actually ran into Alyssia back in Kalos. We battled, and for the first time, I lost." I laughed, "You came close to beating me though." Cynthia then asked, "What about you two, how did you meet?" Steven said, "We met in Granite Cave. Alyssia beat me in a battle and we began traveling together." Cynthia laughed until she noticed the frown on my face.

"Alyssia, is something wrong?" I looked up at Cynthia and sighed, "Well, it's just..." Steven interrupted, "Alyssia is going to leave Hoenn soon, but I may have to stay here, being champion and all." I nodded in agreement to Steven's statement. "Nonsense, of course you can leave." We both look up at Cynthia in surprise and Steven asks, "What?" She simply laughed and explained, "Just because you're champion doesn't mean you have to stay here. I leave my region all the time. All you have to do is make sure you're back in time for the pokemon league each year." My eyes widened, "Really?" She nodded and said, "You just need to keep track of time, that's all." I then asked, "But what if we don't make it back in time?" My question was left unanswered as we finished eating. Steven suddenly stood up and said, "I know what I have to do. Alyssia, I'll meet you on the third level." He kissed my cheek as he left, leaving me to ask Cynthia, "What do you think he's up to?" "I have a feeling it'll be something good. You should go, I'll be there in a bit." I nodded and got up, heading up to the third level. I sat on a bench, looking out at the view while waiting for Steven.

After a short while of waiting, Steven showed up and sat beside me. Looking into his eyes, all I could see was happiness. He smiled and said, "Good news, I can continue traveling with you." I gasp, "What? Really? But how?" "Simple, I gave up my title as champion." "Wait, what?!" He chuckled, "It's alright, I called Wallace from the pokemon center and told him that I was resigning. I gave the title over to him, I know he has what it takes to be a good champion." I had tears in my eyes as I hugged Steven, "I can't believe you. You gave up being a champion...for me?" He returned my hug and quietly said, "Of course, I'd do anything for you. Now we can travel the world together without anything standing in our way." He pulled away and kissed me. I kissed back before pulling away and smiling at Steven. "Looks like everything's resolved then." Our heads snapped in the direction of the voice to see Cynthia walking over. I asked, "Cynthia, were you eavesdropping?" "Maybe a little, I just wanted to tell you that I'll be heading back to Sinnoh soon, you two are welcome to come with me." I grinned, "Definitely!" Cynthia laughed, "We'll take my private ship." Steven then said, "Until then, we'll be in Mossdeep City." As she started walking away, she replied, "Ok, I'll come pick you up when I'm ready to go. See you then." We waved to her as I said, "Alright, let's go." We rode on Latios into the air and toward Mossdeep. I wasn't really afraid this time, I was just happy that everything worked out and that Steven won't be leaving anytime soon.

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