Peace And Relaxation

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We walked a bit until we were in front of a forest. We stopped and Steven said, "We're here. This is Petalburg Woods." I gazed up at the tall trees, then entered the forest with Steven following. With only a few patches of sunlight shining through the treetops, it was much dimmer than outside. We quietly walked threw the thick grass until we came to a big rock covered with moss next to a small pool of water. The sunlight shown onto this small area, making it seem like a warm, peaceful place. I couldn't help myself from going over and sitting beside the pool, leaning back against the rock. I closed my eyes and heard Steven ask, "What are you doing?" I smiled, but kept my eyes closed as I replied, "Just enjoying nature." He didn't say anything else, but I heard him walk over to me. When I open my eyes, he's sitting next to me. He sighes, "It sure is peaceful." "I know, I could spend all day here." "We can if you want, I don't mind. I like spending time with you." He murmured the last part, causing me to smile.

I then released my pokemon and said to Steven, "You should release your pokemon too. Let them get some fresh air and enjoy themselves." He nodded and released his pokemon. We continued sitting there as we watched our pokemon play and relax. I suddenly felt Steven nudge me. I looked at him as he pointed over to Tyranitar and Aggron. I giggled, "Looks like Aggron hasn't given up yet." Aggron was hanging around Tyranitar, trying to chat with her. "And he shouldn't." I looked at Steven as he continued, "When you find someone you care about, you want to do all you can for them. Besides, I think Tyranitar is giving him a chance." I looked back at the pokemon to see Tyranitar chatting with Aggron, and enjoying herself, by the looks of it. I grinned, deciding to have a little fun as I said, "You know, I've always heard about how if two pokemon fall in love, their trainers do too." I glance at Steven to see his face lit up. I laugh and playfully shove him, "I'm only kidding, Steven." He remains silent, causing my smile to fade. I lay my head back and close my eyes, listening to the wind blow through the trees.

After awhile of sitting there, I heard Steven ask, "Alyssia?" I pretended to be asleep and didn't answer. I heard him sigh and mumble, "You look so cute when you're sleeping." Not able to contain myself any longer, I pretend to wake up. I lazily gaze at Steven and stretch, "Steven? How long was I asleep?" "Just long enough for the sun to set." I look up at the darkening sky through the trees and stand up. Steven stood up beside me and said, "We should get out of Petalburg Woods so we can camp for the night." I nodded as we both returned our pokemon. "Alright, Steven, which way is out." He looked around, then pointed, "Should be that way." We walked for a bit, finally exiting Petalburg Woods. Not far from the forest was a group of apple trees. I felt my stomach growl and said, "I'm getting hungry, let's stop over by those apple trees." "Ok, we can pick some and eat." We went over to them and I immediately climbed up a tree and started picking. I picked a few and dropped them down for us to eat. As I climbed down, my hand slipped, causing me to fall. I braced myself to hit the ground but instead felt arms wrap around me. My eyes snap open to see that Steven had caught me. He set me down as he said, "Careful. I don't want you to get hurt." "Sorry, but thanks for catching me. Now let's eat." I grabbed an apple and tossed it to Steven before getting one of my own. I took a bite and sat down with Steven doing the same.

After we ate, it had already gotten dark. I noticed the cloudless, starry, night sky above, and decided to get a better view. I climbed up one of the trees and sat on a branch. I looked down at Steven and said, "Come up here, the view is amazing." He climbed up and sat beside me, gazing up at the stars. "Isn't it pretty, Steven?" "Yeah, it is." I noticed a smile appear on his face as I went back to looking at the sky. After a minute, I leaned my head against his shoulder. I smirked, feeling him tense up for a moment before relaxing again. It was quiet until I yawned. Steven asked, "Tired?" I rubbed my eyes and replied, "A little." "Come on, time for bed." He got up and helped me down from the tree. We got our sleeping bags and tucked ourselves in for the night. "Night, Steven." "Goodnight, Alyssia."

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