Mossdeep City, Finally

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The next morning, I get up, get ready, and eat breakfast with Steven. Afterwards, we head out to the beach, where I call out Latios. We climb on his back and he takes off across the ocean. Steven wraps his arms around me and lays his head on my shoulder. I smile and watch as buildings come into view in the distance. Steven was right, just a little ways across the sea is Mossdeep City. We soon made it to the beach, getting off of Latios. I returned him to his pokeball and Steven quickly took my hand. "Alyssia, welcome to Mossdeep City, my home." I looked around as we approached the town. This town had an amazing view of the ocean in all directions. Steven tugged my hand and said, "Let me show you my house." I nodded and he led me to a house on the far side of the town.

On the outside, it didn't look much different from the other houses, but when Steven took me inside, I could definitely tell it belonged to him. There were quite a few shelves and cabinets around the room that held evolution stones and gems of all kinds. I couldn't help but giggle, causing Steven to give me a confused look. "What's so funny?" "I couldn't help but notice all the stones and gems you have. It really gives it that Steven touch." He frowned a little, "Is that a problem?" I shook my head and smiled, "Not at all. I love it, I really do." His frown quickly grew into a smile and he said, "I'm glad you like it." I noticed a window and I went over and looked out at the ocean. Steven had a perfect view of the sea right here from his window. I felt Steven wrap his arms around me from behind, kissing my cheek and laying his head on my shoulder. He quietly said, "I love you." I smiled, "I love you too, Steven." I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing his lips. He returned my kiss, holding me tightly against him. When we pulled apart, he leaned his forehead against mine, staring straight into my eyes. He finally said, "Come on, let's head to the pokemon center for lunch." "That sounds good." He took my hand and we headed out to the pokemon center.

As soon as we entered the pokemon center, Nurse Joy said, "Oh, Steven Stone, there was a boy who was looking for you." "Really? Do you know where he is?" "I think he's outside at the battle area." "Thank you." I followed Steven as he headed outside. I stayed quiet, waiting to see this boy. As we went outside, sure enough, there was a younger boy with light green hair sitting at a bench. When he noticed us, he got up and said, "Steven Stone, it's nice to see you again." "Wally? It's been awhile." They shook hands as I stood there silently. They apparently know each other. I interrupted them, "Umm." They both looked at me and Steven smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Alyssia, this is Wally. Wally, this is my girlfriend, Alyssia." I waved and said, "Hi!" Wally smiled and said, "Nice to meet you. I didn't know Steven had a girlfriend. You're really lucky to be dating the champion." Steven interrupted, "Actually, I'm the one who's lucky. Alyssia here is the Mega Evolution Master." Wally gasped, "No way! Really?!" I nodded, "Yep, that's me. Don't let my appearance fool you." Steven said, "It's true, she beat me in a battle." Wally looked up at me and said, "I came here to ask Steven for a rematch, but could I battle you instead?" I smiled, "Of course. A one on one battle against two mega evolved pokemon." I released my pokemon and asked, "Would you like to choose your opponent?" He looked at them all, then said, "I choose Sceptile."

Wally called out a Gallade and we took our places on the battlefield, mega evolving our pokemon. I stood quietly, waiting for Wally's first move. "Gallade, Psycho Cut!" I smirked, "Leaf Blade!" Sceptile blocked Gallade's attack and pushed him back. I told Wally, "You're pretty strong." "Thanks. Gallade, use Slash!" "Dual Chop!" Sceptile stopped Gallade's Slash, but it's not called Dual Chop for nothing. Sceptile managed to hit Gallade the second time, knocking him back. I saw Wally's frustrated expression as he said, "Use Swords Dance, then Close Combat!" I smirked, so he's raising his attack in order to take us down, that is, if he can land a hit. Gallade powered up, then rushed toward Sceptile. "Dodge it, Sceptile." Gallade started punching and kicking at Sceptile, but Sceptile was quick to dodge every hit. "Sceptile, wait for an opening." I saw a smile on Sceptile's face as he dodged a kick, then grabbed Gallade by the leg. Gallade and Wally looked equally surprised. Sceptile slammed Gallade on the ground a few times, then I yelled, "Now, toss him!" Sceptile threw Gallade into the air and I said, "Leaf Storm followed by X-Scissor!" As Gallade was stuck in the air, leaves pelted it's entire body. Then Sceptile leapt into the air, landing a direct hit with X-Scissor. Sceptile landed on his feet as Gallade hit the ground, unable to continue battling. Wally returned him and walked over to me as I patted Sceptile's head. "Thanks for battling me, I can't believe how strong you are." "It was no problem, I love a good battle from time to time." Steven came over to us and told Wally, "I can definitely tell you've gotten stronger. Keep training and maybe we can battle again soon. In the meantime, why don't you join us for lunch." Wally smiled and said, "Alright, that would be nice, just let me take Gallade to Nurse Joy first."

When Wally came back, we all sat outside with our pokemon. I sat beside Steven at a table while Wally sat across from us. His Gallade was eating alongside our pokemon, as if they were all friends. As we ate sandwiches, Wally asked, "So, how did you two meet?" I swallowed my food and said, "It was at Granite Cave, I was checking out the murals when I met Steven." Steven nodded, "When I found out that Alyssia was the Mega Evolution Master, I had to battle her. Her Houndoom beat my Metagross." I then continued, "Then Steven asked to travel with me. And that about sums up how we met." Wally stared at us and said, "Woah, so you've been traveling across the region together. That's pretty amazing." After we all finished eating, we continued talking a bit as our pokemon played. I saw Wally's gaze stop at Aggron and Tyranitar, who were snuggled under a tree together. I told him, "Steven's Aggron and my Tyranitar are together, in case you're wondering." Wally grinned, "Just like their trainers. How cute." Wally then got up saying, "I think it's about time I go. It was nice meeting you, Alyssia." Steven and I waved at him as he returned his Gallade and left. What an interesting boy, he's pretty young, but already he has a mega evolving pokemon. I hope I find more unique trainers like him on my travels.

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