Part 3

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Back in 6th period
Same as last chapter but through Ejs mind
Ej was working on trying to figure how to get Ricky to help him. The only reason he was put in this class was to help Ricky with whatever he was going through that the Dean won't tell him not make Ricky hate him more. The only reason he agreed was cause we getting extra credits. He was already a spoiled self centered asshole and didn't need to get in any drama. He and Ricky were enemies since 9th grade. Thanks to Ricky he adds more problems in his life the needed. He tried but he can't think of anything nice and got kicked really hard in the groin. Mr mazzara was in his class and realized that Ricky isn't back yet.
Mr.mazzara: Ej can you please check on Ricky. Make sure he's ok please.
Ej: ugh do I have to
Mr.Mazzara: Umm let me think about that. YES
EJ grunts and went to the bathroom. Ej realizes Maybe was his chance to help get the credits. Ej walks in and there he saw the boy crying having a razor in his slitting himself. Then all the flashbacks with Gina came in. He couldn't witness another person dying cause of problems. He had to be the bigger person and move on

Ricky looked up and saw the older boy up
Ricky: go away caswell. Its clear yourhere to make fun of me! You don't care about me
Ej: I care enough for you not to cutting yourself
Ricky: and what makes you think you understand the shit I go through every day! Your part of the FUCKING PROBLEM! Literally tormented me Since 9th grade! FUCK you! Fuck my GF fuck my mom and her bf! Fuck life!!!
Ej didn't realize that he was hurting Ricky inside and out. He feels bad but not that bad to try to play him to be his friend
Ricky just sits there crying letting all of the emotions. Ej grabs Ricky and pulls him to the sink counter
Ej looks into the boys eyes. He looks very hurting and pain
Ricky: w w w what are you doing picking me up to help me kill myself
Ej: No Ricky! I'm sorry! You're right a fucking asshole!! I can't even tell when people are hurting! I know what it's like losing someone from sucide! I don't want to be the one who pushes you off the edge! Please Ricky stay! I'll promise to be better person! I swear I'll DO ANYTHING FOR YOU NOT TO FEEL LIKE THE PIECE OF SHIT I AM! Please give me a FUCKING CHANCE! 😢
Ricky stood in mood seeing Ej like that he quickly hugged Ej with his arms over him and crying in his shoulder.
Ej: come on clean you up and head to class

Ricky and Ej head back to class and they surprisingly got along and end of class for the last period.
Ej: see you later Bowen
Ricky: yeah ok!
Ej left and realized he did it. He got Ricky to hate him less. He was reedem and happy. He went to the deans office to try to get him to know.
Dean: that's great caswell
E.J.: so do I get the credit
Dean: not so fast.. just because you made amends dosent get you out
E.J.: what! What else do I need to do
Dean: easy caswell. Be his friend. Earn another humans getting trust fully, and not just doing for credits
E.J.: ugh it seems like a lot of work and I graduate in a few months.
Dean: ok I guess you probably won't being get into duke then.
Ej: ugh Fine!
Ej walked out of his office with lily overhearing everything using to her advantage

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