Part 16

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Ej: I just don't want you too feel like you have to lie to me
Ricky: I'm not lying, I promise
Ej: are you certain on that
Ricky: Yes I promise
Ej: oh ok.
(Ej knew he was lying)
Ricky: well you want to have a slice
Ej: you never finish your food that much do you 😀
Ricky: no I don't... 😌
Ej stole his slice while Rickys head lying on his shoulder

Few days later

T.j was in the gym finishing him gym class when a hard hand pulls his shoulder moving his body to the side of the wall.
T.j: oww!! The fuck your doing caswell
Ej started pressing his shoulder out of anger
Tj: Owwwoww
Ej let goes leaving him in pain
Tj: The fuck!
Ej: you know what you did
Tj: Did what!
Ej: Don't be doing that stupid shit.. you hurt him, I hurt you!
Tj(says quietly): this fag really can't keep his god damm mouth shut
Ej pushed him against the wall

Ej: I told you already! Keep away from Ricky and keep your god DAMM MOUTH SHUT!!
Tj: you never said I had to stay away from that him pussy
Ej: You were talking about him staying away from me weren't you. Also getting up in his FACE!
Tj: 😑
Ej punched him in the stomach
Ej: He's already going through a lot of shit, And Your BS isn't helping!!
Tj started getting weak and
Ej: I SWEAR to god! If I dare see you touch him, you will be sorry!
Tj: r r relax caswell I I won't do shit to him.
Ej: I knew it was a bad idea for you to meet him, you've always been fucking manipulative
Tj: C c caswell Let go - (cough) I swear I'll leave him alone
Tj pushed Ej back leaving the way limping from pain.

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