Part 10

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Four  days later
The halls of east high were quiet. He didn't tell Ricky what he was planning and honestly hoping it would make him cry. Ricky would expect the shock of his life of the person you adore the most. Ricky got out of Ejs car and walked to the door
Ej: hey Bowen
Ricky: caswell bumping into me on purpose I see
Ej: yep. But nothing less cover your eyes
Ricky: what are you doing 😅
Ej: suprise du
Ej pulled him over and in front of a car
Ej: ok remover in 3 2 and ... 1
Ricky removed his hand seeing a middle age man growing mustache and looked like he was about to cry stunned upon Ricky as he broke down in tears. Ran up to the guy and hugged for a long. Reuniting with his father

Ricky: dad? I I is it you🥺
Ricky dad: yes son it's me. I got you son
Ricky: how? Why? What about the law thing
Ricky dad: it got passed. Also have a file against your mother. You can move it tmr
Ricky: 😭😭 I missed you
Ricky dads: me too son. Your safe with me
Ricky: how did this happen I need to thank them
Ricky dad: you may just did. Caswell business
Ricky turned around and saw Ej smiling at them
Ricky: dad can you give us a moment please
Ricky dad: yeah sure I'm ready to take you home

Ricky walks up to Ej
Ricky stands in front of the tall kid for a second then hugs him breaking down in his chest
Ricky: why did you do this. You didn't have to
Ej: you looked very hurt and wanted to make you happy. So I got my dad to pull a few strings and got them to end the order
Ricky: your the best. No one cares that much for me
Ej: well your know safe and cared for. What matters the most 👍
Ricky: well then what happens with us. I don't know I'm still very embarrassed that I admit feelings for you
Ej: well after This were see will see where it goes 😏
Ricky: after wh-
Ej cut him off by pressing his lips on his and Ricky lips pressed back on Ejs soft lips and moaning in between. Ej put his hand on Ricky ass and Rickys arm around his neck making out in front of the school
Ricky pulled back with him getting butterflies inside
Ricky: I liked that.
Ej: same here . Ok catch up with your dad. See you later
Ricky: ok peace
They quickly kissed and Ricky took off with his dad. Ricky with butterflies in his stomach

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