Part 20

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Ricky called the police and ambulance to tell them what happened to his parents ( not about the SA). They came 10 minutes later and took them to the hospital. Ricky stayed in his room, he was having  a anxiety attack with leading him to destroying/ trashing his room.
20 minutes later
I was driving home from water polo when I passed by Ricky's home seeing cop cars and ambulance being invaded. I was scared something happened to Ricky. I parked the car next to the house and went inside. Inside I see Them lifting Ricky's dad to hospital bed and his mom and Todd being lifted up to the ambulance. He wonders where Ricky is, He later here's a loud bang from upstairs and he ran there. he opened the door to see his nuded Boyfriend destroying his room crying.
Ej: Ricky?!

Ricky turned to Ej breaking down to the floor. Ej came closer to him and picking him into hug with Ricky breaking down.
Ej: shhh what happened here..
Ricky; h h h h he r r r r raped m me😢
Ej: who!
Ricky: T t Tj
Ej pov : That bitch!
Ej: ok let's get you into some clothes and take you to my house ok babe .
Ricky nodded . Ej helped him into clothes and Ej piggy backed him downstairs to his car.
30 minutes later
Ej and Ricky got to Ejs house, Ricky fell asleep on Ejs shoulder. Ej didn't mind and picked him as a baby and took him  to his bed

Few days Later( I'm so lazy 😭😭)
Ricky hasn't been to school and today he's going back today. He told Ej everything and also has to see if his parents are ok end of the day. He enters school holding Ejs hand tight walking through the halls
Tj: Aww guess which f*g is back
Ricky looked down about to cry
Ej: what did you say to him !
Tj: I said he's a f-
Ej punched him to the floor and threw him in th lockers!
Tj: Ow! BITCH! Tf is wrong with you!
Ej: If I see you hurting Ricky again! Then it's the end of you! HEAR ME!

Tj: I'm not scar-
Ej takes his hand and twisting it harder behind his back.
Ej : what I thought
Ej puts his hand behind around Ricky's neck and went to class
End of day
Ej went to the store and got Ricky his favorite candy to help him cheer up.
Ricky: thxs, I have to see my dad, remember
Ej: yes ofc. Let's go now
@ Hospital
Ej and Ricky arrive to the hospital and check in
Ricky: H h hi how my d dad?

Nurse: how's your dad?
Ricky: Mike Bowen
Nurse: uhmm he's actually in critical pain do to his spine and brain being pressured hard. He actually is have a very low survival rate.
Ricky: n n n no
Ricky eyes are bailing
Ricky: c c can I see him
Nurse: sure
Ricky goes into the room his dad is in
Ricky: c c c can I get a moment alone.
Ej: sure babe

Ricky goes closer to his dad
Ricky: dad , I I don't know if you can here me, but I'm s s sorry this happened to you. In the worst son ever 😢. Hope you live less painful. I can't imagine life without you. P p please don't leave me! Please!
Ricky breaks down with Ej hearing from outside
Ricky comes out and looks Ej in the eyes giving him a hug.
Ej: it's ok, why don't you wait in the lobby.
Ricky: *sniffles * sure

Nurse comes up to Rick and ej
Nurse: you want news on your mom?
Ricky: Umm sure
Nurse: well she survived, and will recover soon,
Ricky: oh -
Nurse: but...

- final chapter coming next .. -

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! Remember today to be grateful for everything even if your country doesn't celebrate thanksgiving 😉😄😄🦃🦃

My one shot is coming out this Friday !! Get excited

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