Part 17

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This includes Smut and inappropriate language. READ ON YOUR OWN TERMS PLEASE.

@Ej's House
Ricky and Ej were cuddling in Ejs bed with Ejs arms over Ricky, Ejs dad walks in to his room all dressed up.
Ej Dad: alright boys, Heading to work, don't burn the house
Ej: we won't dad 🙄
ED(Ejs dad): ok just want to make sure
Ej: Bye dad!
Ej dad left leaving Ricky and Ej alone in the home.
Ej: alright babe, what you want to do since my dads not here
Ricky: Umm we can play truth or dare...
Ej: sure let's make them juicy tho

They get down from the bed and sit on the floor next to EJs bed
Ricky: ok t or dare
Ej: truth
Ricky: admit you love me
Ej: that's easy. I love you. Give me a challenge, not something I already know. T or dare
Ricky: dare
Ej: take off your shirt, I want to see your hotness
Ricky: Umm ok
Ricky proceeded to take off his shirt with seeing his muscular body type
Ej: Woah didn't know you were built
Ricky blushes
Ricky: please your probably more muscular than me
Ej: oh really then truth or dare me
Ricky: ok truth or dare
Ej: Dare

Ricky: reveal your hotness taking off your shirt.... And pants
Ej: ... oh your good
Ej slowly strips off his shirt and pants
Ricky was getting sweaty and a little hard seeing Ej with just underwear
Ricky: Fuck babe you're make me look average 🤤
Ej: 😉😏. I know.I'm not
Ej saw Ricky's Boner and decided to help him with it .
Ej:t or d
Ricky: dare
Ej: take your pants and underwear off
Ricky: I uh umm
Ej: if your not ready then we can -
Ricky: No! I mean no really asked me do this dare , you my first 🙃
Ej: oh well come on strip down for daddy .
Ricky slowly strips his pants and underwear with him fully nude
Ej: wow your dick is hard and thick
Ricky: is that's a compliment
Ej: hehe yes Ricky it is
Ricky was starting to get really horny and decided to ask the next question

Ricky : T or dare
Ej; truth
Ricky: ugh I wanted you to do dare,
Ej: oh really what was the dare
Ricky: for you to suck my dixk
Ej: well then no truth could beat that *Smirk*
Rickys pov
Ej lifts me from the floor to his bed and kneels down picking up my balls which made me feel weak puts his mouth around my dick. It felt so good
Ricky: Fuck Ej, that feels soooo good
Ej tounge was swirling around his 🍆 and pressuring it all around me.
Ricky: fuck Ej, go harder
Ej: my wish is my command demand
Ej goes and deep throat it.
EJ: cum for me baby boy
Ricky shoots in Ej mouth with Ej swallow it whole
Ej : that was good
Ricky: yeah,
Ej: I think it's my turn
Ej puts Ricky down and Ricky pulld his underwear showing his hard 10 inch dick
No longer Ricky's pov

Ricky shoved Ejs dick down his throat and fully giving Ej pleasure and Ej almost collapsing
Ej: fuck babe your so good
Ricky continued to suck Ej off and Ej was getting hornier by the minute
Ej:  Baby boy I have a dare for u
Ricky pulls off and looks at him
Ricky: yes babe

Ej: I dare you to let me be your first... only if you want to
Ricky : yes daddy! Fuck me please
Ej throws him on his bed in front of his asshole. He licks it to open it and taste Ricky
Ricky: fuck Ej youryour good
Ej stopped and said
Ricky; ok daddy
Ej continues and gets up and shoved his dick in Ricky's asshole
EJ: shhh relax babe let me make you feel good
Ej slowly starts to go in and out and Ricky is moaning mess
Ej: yes shout my name for me
Ej starts to increase speed a little and Ricky gets use to it
Ricky; fuck me harder daddy
Ej goes faster and harder making Ricky weak as fuck
Ricky: daddy your so good . I'm not going to be able to walk
Ej leans down still going and give Ricky a kiss
Ej goes really rough as Ricky gets up and rides Ejs dick
Ricky: fuck this is so good
Ej goes faster making Ricky jerk himself off
Ricky: D d Ddady I'm g g going cuuum
Ej: cum for daddy
Ricky cums on Ej chest and Ej still going in and out
Ej: fuck, ur going to make me cumm
Ricky: cum daddy
Ej pulls out of Ricky and Ricky goes in front of his dixk as Ej shots out and cum all over Ricky's face
Ricky: fuck babe I'm not going to be able to walk
Ej: In that case I might have to care baby boy
They kiss sharing the cum between there mouths going back to cuddling next to each other

Help 😭 I didn't write this
( 4 more chapters left)( New series and oneshot coming out soon)

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