Part 5

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Thursday day before Friday

End of school had came and Ricky was walking out petrified of facing his mother and bf. He was hoping to stay with your dad but he can't.
Ricky was walking slowly when a car honk looked behind and Ej car
Ej: you look lost need a ride
Ricky was dreading if he should tell Ej or not. He took the opposite way and decide not to tell him
Ricky : I want to go home later I just need to walk for a long time
Ej: well my schedule is free. We can hang
Ricky: Umm you sure
Ej: yeah why not
Ricky: fine
Ricky got in the car and they drove off
Ej: kinda hungry. You want to eat McDonald's
Ricky: sure ig.... I didn't bring any money tho
Ej: oft that all, I can pay for you
Ricky: ohh o o ok
Ej drove them to McDonald's
Ej: I'll take a Big Mac and a large coke.. and you Ricky
Ricky: uhh large fries. That's all
Ej: you sure, you didn't eat lunch at school
Ricky: had a big breakfast
Ej: ok
Ej knew he's lying but he wouldn't know why
They got Ej house and Ricky looked very timid
Ej: you ok  👍
Ricky: yeah yeah I'm just not use to big houses
Ej: oh well my dad on a business trip and won't be back till tmr morning
Ricky mumbles: lucky..
Ej: what you say
Ricky: n n nothing
Ej: look Ej , Ik we had are past be we can put it behind us and move forward. Please
Ricky: I'm in just not use to trusting people

Ej: well you can trust me ok
Ricky: Ik Ik just
Ej: don't want to get hurt
Ricky: yep that's it
Ej felt sorrow for the kid. But more then just his body, feeling more closer and not what he ever experienced except "her"
Ricky: well let's eat
Ej: Umm sure yeah
Couple hours later
Ej and Ricky were hanging laughing and chilling. Ricky never felt this happy in a long time. He can actually call someone besides big red his friend.Ricky checked the time and he realizes he need to get home before he get beat up at home
Ricky: Umm  I need to get going before it's late
Ej: ok should I drop you
Ricky: no! No sorry I just need to make I'm home
Ej: well past 9 and can't risk you getting hurt
Ricky: ok drop me please
Ej: damm never knew you could get that needed 😏
Ricky felt his pulse flowing very nervous

Ej and Ricky got in the car and they drove off to Rickys house
Ej: ok we here. See you tmr
Ricky: right ok thxs
Ricky and Ej stare causing sexual tension
Ricky got out and and ran to his front door

Ricky opened the door and there he was.. his angry mother and devil BF starting waiting for him
Ricky: f f friends house
Todd: that late! Must be a g g guy.. ugh can't believe it's a disgrace to say that
Ricky: well maybe be not ridiculous and accept me!
Ricky mom slapped him
Ricky mom: Richard BOWEN! Being gay is a disgrace to it family sir! You know damm well I don't approve
Ricky got upset and left running to his room
Todd: yeah leave your worthless
Ricky went up got a razor and slit his wrist.
Ricky voices in his head: do more! Do more!
Ricky got fed up and cut and his whole arm was bleeding

Ricky left and Ej thought of the blonde curly boy. He kept thinking his hair, his face and everything then it hit him! He liked Ricky.  He can't like him, not after Gina not after all the shit her going through. He can't he knows he can't. He should ruin it. The feelings will fade

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