Part 14

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Later in the day
Ricky was walking slowly to the lunchroom and see his BF passionately calling him
Ej: Ricky babe over here
Ricky walks over to but a stong face for Ej not to see him in pain
Ej: hey babe
He comes over and put his arm around
Ricky: hey!
Ej could tell something was off about Ricky but didn't say anything
Ej: oh babe I have to introduce you to one of my best friends
Ricky: lucky. My best friend is still on his trip

Ej chuckles
Ej;You look cute when your jealous
Ricky: Ik you tell me
Ej and Ricky walk over to his friend. The guy had his back tuned and Ej tapped. When he turned, Ricky almost had a full panic attack
Ej: Ricky this is Tj, Tj
Tj: oh yes we saw each other in the halls right 🙂😒
Ricky: ohh yu y yeah w w we were just um
Tj: you already forgot, I was wonky so you helped me to my next class 😠
Ricky was scared but couldn't let Ej know his best friend is threatening him
Ricky: right! He he fun day
Ej could smell the tension between the two and
And tried easoning it up
Ej: well I was thinking that maybe after school we all hang out and have homies

Ricky: Umm m I would love to b b but
Tj: oh come on, it'll be fun don't be a pussy
Ricky: I fine. I'll go
Ej: great! I'll meet you at my locker
Tj: sounds amazing
Ej and Ricky left with Ricky still feeling himself overwhelmed with emotions
Ricky: Ej, I Umm
Ej: what is babe
Ricky: nvm.. if not important 🙂
Ej: oh uh ok.
Ej knew something was up but didn't want to pressure Ricky at the moment

Later in the day

Ricky was leaving from 7th period went to the bathroom he was by himself freaking out that Tj was Ejs best friend. Just when the anxiety started rolling in someone entered the door causing him to have a panic attack to raise
???: hey looser
Ricky: what you want Tj
Tj: well two things. One none of your business, two I came to apologize
Ricky: did Ej tell you to
Tj: no! I don't have listen you bf like a slut
Ricky: then why you here
Tj; I was just mad this morning on some school stuff but you look chill and Ej probably dosent  want us to be arguing
Ricky: right , apology accepted
Ricky POV: IG
Tj: thanks, you know you guys make a good couple
Ricky: thanks

Tj: just don't let Ej control you
Ricky: w w why would Ricky control me?
Tj: oh not much he can be a little pushy and stuff
Ricky: yeah he kinda is but he's not controlling
Tj: well good 4 u.
Tj came up to Ricky and stared at his soul
Tj: you know you are kinda cute
Ricky: ummm i have a Bf?
Tj : well he doesn't need to know shall he😏
Ricky was shaking and feeling insecure. Tj walked out and Ricky was petrified on what could happen

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