Part 7

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Ej: oh no. I did it he passed cause of me 😢🥺
Ej ran to Ricky on the floor unconscious, he can't lose Ricky just like Gina
Ej: Ricky please wake up 😭😭 I need you please!
Ej later decided to do mouth on mouth on him he still wasn't awake. Ej picked him up and took him and his stuff to the car
Ej got in the car with ricky in the passenger seat
Ej rolled the windows down and hoping he wake up
Ej was almost sobbing
Ej staring at Ricky then sees his arm move little. Ricky slowly wakes up and Ej quickly hugged him
Ricky: get off me! You betrayed me
Ej: yes Ricky ok I did some fucked Up to stuff. But it wasn't to hurt you! But to save you ok!
Ricky got all conserned
Ej: ok for now on let's get all of it drama out of the way ok! Tell me the truth I'll tell you mine ok. Please
Ricky started tearing up and then looked up
Ej: it's ok Ricky I'm here. I'm not the Ej u use to know. I'm the Ej you should have had.
Ricky: ok 😭 I'll talk

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