Part 8

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Ricky story ( pretend Ricky was cracking his voice and crying)
5 years ago. Everything was good. His mom and and dad and I were a normal family doing normal stuff and was great. Literally the highlight of my year. .... then things when downhill the next year.. my mom started changing . Became more strict and got into fights with my dad. He seemed hurting then I got involved and  she called me a slut. My dad was upset. They went to a therapist but it didn't help.. two years later, my dad had freaked out when he found out she was cheating on him with Todd 🤢. They divorced and were fighting on who gets me. I wanted my dad and got on but she filled a false claim that my dad was abusing me 😭 they filled i can't see my dad on him and I never saw him again 😭

Ej: oh god never knew.
Ricky: yeah no one knows. Not even big red.
Ej: but things got worse

Ricky: yeah sadly.. later her bf moved in and they both started hurting me. He don't like me when I didn't do shit to him.  I literally got anxiety and started getting depressed especially seeing you every day . Literally almost killed myself in the bathroom if you didn't show up. I can't do it anymore. Big red hasn't even check up on me. He's literally been focusing Ashlyn more then me
Ej:ohh god. I feel terrible
Ricky: well that's not the worse
Ej; oh god Ricky what could have been worse
Ricky; two 6 months ago they found out I was gay when I said a classmate in my school was hot. Kicked me out the house for a week
Ej: oh god Ricky you suffered hard. Your must miss your dad
Ricky: every day. Can't even call or say happy birthday
Ej: was that classmate me. The one you said was hot
Ricky: y y y yeah..
Ej: aww thxs nice to know
Ricky: but it's not . I have crush on fucking Ej caswell. Your not into guys or even like Mr general
Ej: who told you that
Ricky: ??

Ej: I guess is my turn in explaining
Ej: yes I was only going to be your friend cause the dean said, and yes I was only going to be your friend for credit.. but seeing you in pain in the bathroom made me change.. you don't deserve it. I actually did want to be your friend
Ricky: but you kissed lily. In front of me. I don't like her but it still hurt
Ej: she blackmailed me.  I didn't know she would do that. After yesterday I felt different around you. More then friends . I couldn't face my feelings for you. Not after Gina😢
Ricky: who's Gina
Ej: my ex, she .. 😭 she died. She got into a car crash.
Ricky: oh god I'm sorry.
Ej: yeah same, it should have been me. Seeing you made you think I would lose you. I can't loose another person special in my life.  I like you Ricky,🙂
Ej: but yeah as you can tell already I'm not good in emotions.
Ricky: yeah.. same here
Ej: but it's alright you probably hate me either way
Ricky: Ej I don't hate you, I hate the you bullying me and trauma but other than that I've like you.
Ej: yeah like you jerking off About me. Kinda cute honestly Tell me how it happened
Ricky: it's really embarrassing.
Ej: where already spilling the tea, might as well give in
Ricky:... ..... sigh. If you take Want to know


Ricky was walking in the halls having a good day so far. His mom and her bf were out of town and he was last period until he went to the bathroom he walked out and bumped into Ej caswell.. this time shirtless but with his nose bleeding
Ej: damm Bowen can you go anywhere without bumping into me
Ricky: no I think it you stalking me
Ej: you wish
Ricky POV: damm he's so fucking hot. To bad we hate each other, I would want him to eat me up
Ricky started getting a boner in his pants and couldn't let Ej see .
Ricky: what do you want caswell
Ej. Nothing I came to wash up .  Tf you want. Here to make my life miserable
Ricky; no!  I Was just leaving!
Ricky ran out and ran to the nearest closet trying to hide . Ricky pulled his pants down and started jerking of his boner. He kept moaning ejs name . He almost came but then someone opened the door
Lily: aah!
Ricky: aah
Lily: were you
Ricky: you saw noting!
Lily: please Ricky I heard you moaninh your not very quiet.
Ricky: please doing tell him! I beg you
Lily: ok I won't.
Ricky: thxs your a life sav-
Lily cut him off
Lily: if you do me a favor.. be my bf
Ricky: Umm lily I don't like girls
Lily: oh well I guess Ej will be hearing about this
Lily; deal or not!
Ricky Fine.. please just don't tell ej😕
Lily: great see you later babe


Ej: wow that is embarrassing
Ricky: yeah you can go ahead a laugh
Ej: lol I would but I actually find it cute
Ricky blushed hard
Ej: well know that all that's stuff is cleared. What do you want to do know
Ricky: well I don't want to go home but I also don't want to go in school I already missed two periods
Ej: well we can go to my house
Ricky: isn't you dad home
Ej: yeah but he won't care
Ricky: ok

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