Part 9

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Ej house
Ej: k where here
Ricky: ..
Ej: hey it's going to be ok
Ricky: I'm just scared. What if my secret goes out
Ej: it won't . Just trust me
Ricky: you confident on that
Ej: yeah I am
Ricky: why cause you get what you want in a snap
Ej: yep that's me
Ricky: yeah it's you
Ricky put his head on ejs shoulder and rest for free seconds
Ej: ok Bowen let's go
They get out of the car and head inside. Ejs dad at work
Let's skip till night time. Idk what write this part
Ej and Ricky were in dining room they ordered a pizza and were eating Ricky only had one slice
Ej: your eating only slice ? You didn't eat much tho
Ricky: 😔😥
Ej: what is it, you don't like the toppings
Ricky:no the toppings are fine but I can't eat much food
Ej: oh .. like a ED
Ricky: no. My mom's bf said I was very chubby and should limit eating and feel very fat
Ej: Ricky your not fat at all
Ricky: your Just saying that look at me.
Ej: ugh Ricky. You can't let toxic people get to you
Ricky: Ik

The door open from the front door
Ejs dad: Ej!
Ej: yes dad I'm the dining room
Ej dad walks in and sees Ej and Ricky
Ed(Ejs dad): hi I believe we haven't meet yet
Ej: this is Ricky and Ricky my dad
Ricky: h hi
Ed: so your the infamous Ricky Bowen my son been talking about
Ej: dad!
Ed: well you must be lucky to be with him
Ricky: oh we're not together
Ed: oh. Well let you boys talk . I'll be focusing on getting stuff done
Ej dad left to his office
Ricky: welp you must be fan of me
Ej: yeah Bowen your really are
Ricky: your dad seems nice
Ej: yeah but if you weren't here he would pressuring me on school and getting very tense
Ricky: well your dad cares. I wish I had my dad😢
Ej: don't be sad I'm pretty sure your dad misses you
Ricky: can we change the topic!
Ej: ok ..
Ej sees the younger one pain and stop his convo and puts around him
Ej: sorry Ricky I didn't Mean
Ricky: I miss him so much 😭😭 .
Ej puts his arms around his back and Ricky joints with a cuddle.
Ej couldn't see his favorite boy in pain. He NEeded to do something.

Night time
Ricky: thxs btw Ej for being there for me
Ej: np. No one will hurt you ok
Ricky: ok
Ricky started in his eye and felt butterflies hitting his stomach. He leaned in and kissed him on his cheek
Ricky : there you go cutie
Ej: ugh don't make feel this way I still haven't even talked about it
Ricky: tee he k ok. Goodnight
Ej: goodnight
Ej closes the guest bedroom and walks over to his dads office
Ej: dad
Ed: yes son.
Ej: we need to talk on something
Ed: yes son. We do. So when you asking Ricky out
Ed: kidding kidding. You know I'm just trying to help. I see the way you stare at him
Ej ok yes I'm thinking on but it's not about that.. what do you know about child recustody

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