Part 21 - Final chapter

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Final chapter -
Nurse: but she and her bf have been ordered to stay away from you
Ricky: what?
Nurse: yeah apparently there was security cameras at your house and they saw everything
Ricky: OMG thank you
Ej hugged him from behind
Ej: that's great isn't it.
Ricky: yeah.... But w w who would I live with, m my dad is Umm 😭
Nurse: Umm I think child services will have to deal that
Ricky: c c Child
Ej: shhh RICKY don't worry we'll figure it out
Ricky: how can I STAY calm w w when I'm about to b b b Be put in C C ch c child services.
Ej wraps his arms around his shoulders to distress his BF
Ej: Ricky, look at me.
Ricky looks up at him
Ej: well get through this, but I need you to take deep breaths for me
Ricky tries to breathe in and out but trouble since he's panic
Ej takes his hands and distress them
Ej: breathe in, breathe out
Ricky starts to destress and calm down
Ej: ok let's talk about it later but for now, let's just enjoy each other's time
Ricky: ok

Two weeks later
End of day
Red is at school returning from vacation
Red: Ricky?
Ricky: Big red!
They pulled into a hug and dispatch from her. Ricky punched him in the arm
Red: Ow! TF was that for
Ricky: you left me for two months!
Red: I know I know! My mom and dad needed a break. So tell me what happened
Ricky: Ok so lot of shit happened but mainly.... I GOT A Boyfriend
Red: woah, how would date the courage Ricky Bowen
Ricky: you ready for it....
Red: yeah..
Ricky: *sigh* ... Ej
Red: what! You dating Ej
Ricky: Ik it's shocking but yeah
Red: well how it feel

Ricky: feels amazing
Red: anything else you want to talk about
Ricky: Umm no
Red knows he's lying
Red: really, so your not going to tell me your mom been abusing you..
Ricky looks up with wide eyes
Ricky: Umm h h how you know
Red: we found through police
Ricky: yeah my life's fucked up... sorry didn't tell you, I'm just
Red: scared. Ik but it's fine
Ricky : yeah it's over, just hope my new family isn't assholes
Red: I bet they won't, now come on let's go home now
Ricky: Umm didn't you get the memo, I don't have a home
Red: and I said let's go home
Ricky took a minute to realize what red had meant
Ricky: wait no you guys adopted me 😢
Red: Ricky we'll be living together! 👍
Ricky Quickly comes in and aggressively hugs him
Red: oww y y your chocking me
Ricky let's go
Ricky: ohh s s sorry .
Red : well let's go,
Ricky: ok give me a minute

Ricky went over to find Ej Getting a book from his locker
Ricky: EJ
Ej: oh hi babe
Ricky: did you know that red and there family adopted me
Ej: I may have heard and helped about it
Ricky came in a tightly hugged Ej and gave him a kiss
Ej: what was that for 😏
Ricky: to thank you, if you hadn't come into my life, I'd probably almost be gone
Ej gives him a sloppy kiss
Ej: well your the one I love and only need
Ricky gave him a kiss and hug
Ricky: well red is waiting for me so better get going
Ej: ok bye babe
Ej smacked his ass
Ricky: by bye. LOVE YOU SO MUCH
EJ:Love you more!!

The end

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