Part 11

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Next day
Ricky woke up in his own house. Feeling like a huge weight was lifted from him. He didn't have to worry at his mom or her bf hitting him or getting bullied by Ej caswell. He woke up and got out of bed . Getting ready. He  walked down stairs and saw breakfast down stairs and his dad at the table
Ricky dad: Hi son
Ricky: hi dad. Waffles? Didn't know you cooked
RD(Rickys dad): well after not seeing my son for two years. Learned to pick up some skills
Ricky: impressed
Rd: you might want to hurry and get ready to head to school
Ricky: damm thought you would forget about school
Rd: 😅😅. Come on kiddo time for school
Ricky: ugh dad
Ricky left the house on his way to school on the way he felt a taller figure grabbing from the back lifting him up
??: Guess who it is
Ricky: Umm idk a tall hot senior who making me feel lightheaded
Ej put his down and Ricky turned to him

Ej: you look cute in that fit
Ricky: I could get used to those compliments
Ej: yep if you couldn't tell I'm pretty romantic
Ricky: well will can you tell your romantic self to your normal self that I want to a kiss.
Ej smirks and leaned in and there lips are making out with each other
Ricky: I wish we could do this forever. But fucking class doesn't agree with us
Ej: well maybe after we finish class we can go to slices
Ricky: are you asking me out or 😜
Ej: lol yes. But you wanna go on a date with me
Ricky: sure . I'd like that

Lily is seeing all of this at angle and got really upset and walked up
Lily: babe how's it going
Ricky: don't babe me.  You already exposed me
Lily: not fully. Come with me
Ej: he ain't going anywhere with you.
Lily: oh your little bf defending You. Sweet DON'T CARE
Ej: oh I think you will care after some news was leaked on you
Lily. Please I'm as clean as mirror, you won't find any dirt on me
Ej: oh so I can't expose you for using a innocent person , manipulating and oh yeah you cheating on him. Yeah I saw that
Lily: I i you have no proof
Ej: no proof or not I can ruin you
Ricky: I would take his offer , Done it to me
Lily: Ugh Fine! This isn't over Bowen
Lily storms off

Ricky: well there's another one of my problems gone
Ej: well let's get to class
Ej and Ricky start holding hands and walked to class

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