Part 4

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Ricky POV

Next day at lunch
Big red was at the doctors and he was finding somewhere to be invisible. He doesn't need someone calling him out.
??: Ricky you can come sit with us
Ricky: damm it
Ricky turns to see none other than Ej caswell. Ricky tensions started rising. He felt like a anxiety coming in to push him down
Ricky went over and walked over to Ej and lily grabbed his arm
Lily: babe where you sitting
Ricky: Umm next to Ej
Lily: uh remember we have our lunch today
Ricky: then sit with us. Idc

Ricky sat on the opposite side of Ej with lily next to him
Ej: hey Ricky and whoever she is
Lily: lily! Rickys gf
Ej: oh this was the amazing gf you were telling me about
Ricky: yaas😟
Ej: well tight. Well why don't we all get to know each other
Ricky: sure
Lily: ok I'll go first. I'm lily junior, 16 I went to Italy for a year also did mo-
Thirty minutes later ( I just saved y'all from a long ass conversation y'all wouldn't want to here)
Lily: also did I mention my family went to Italy
Ricky: yes! You did for the thirty hundredth time
Ej: why don't we do smth else you don't think
Lily: oh well srry I can't need to head early to class. Well boys have fun
Lily left
Ej: I see your frustration now
Ricky: Never gets better
Ej: Hey it's Fine. You can just break up with her
Ricky: ... I don't know
Ej: oh come on how hard
Ricky: it's ok I've been with her for a few months I've dealt with it.
Ej : oh
Ricky: well I guess I should head out too
Ej: alright
Ricky: ... thxs btw I don't think I would ever expect you to be there for me 🙂
Ej: sure np

Ej later felt bad what Ricky said and realized maybe he try to be friends even with or without the credits. He looks really lonely
Ej left the table heading to the gym where someone came behind him and pulled his arm
Ej: Oww tf is wrong with you
Lily: idk maybe you should be asking herself
Ej: well wtf do you want?
Lily: listen. I heard your whole convo with the dean. It just manipulating him to think it his friend
Ej: whatever heard isn't tr-
Lily; well here my offer take what I tell you to do or I'll expose Ricky hard and you can't stop me.
Ej: please what dirt do you have on Ricky
Lily whisper Ej something very controversial in his ear and smirks and Ej was left in shock
Lily: so what do you think take my deal
Ej: sigh I can't believe Ricky out of all would do that. Ugh give me till Friday l I'll think about it.
Lily; sure but I will be watching u

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