Part 13

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Two weeks later

TW: Offensive language and Cu!!i$g ( I love everyone)
Things are going great for good for both Ej and Ricky. They hang out after school every day, Ricky started getting help with his anxiety and depression and hasn't been cutting himself at all. He's in the hall walking to his 6th period and later gets stopped by a student.
?????: Watch were you going asshole!
Ricky: s s s Sorry 😢 I'm just not
?????: oh great, another faggot to ruin this school. Good for us
Ricky:😢😢 I I sorry, I'm trying to get to my BF and just couldn't find him and
?????: Whatever H0e. No one cares about your fat ass . Not even your own BF! He's playing you
Ricky: n n no He loves me, y y you wouldn't know cause no ones l l lloved you
?????: chuckles
Ricky Pov: why is he chuckling. Wtf is he going to do
?????: what's your name
Ricky: r r r Ricky
??????: well Ricky, I'm Tj, and listen Here bitch
Tj picks Rick by the shirt and spits in his face

Tj: I don't fucking care about your shitty life! You will fucking pay for making me stop for you!
Ricky: s s  s Sorry. P please let me go 😢 , e e Ej s waiting for me
Tj: wait? Your Ejs Bf
Ricky: y y Yeah  😞
Tj pov: OMG if Ej found I hurt his bF he'll kill me
Tj: well hate to bring this shit to you Slut but he doesn't care about you, he's using you to get his dick wet!
Ricky: n n n not true. W w we never even d d done it
Tj: oh that's sader. Well I warned bitch. Fucking leave u slut. No one here for your crappy life.
Tj drops Ricky on the floor
Tj: and if you fucking dare tell Ej about this! You will be sorry 😡
Tj left Ricky upset and ran to the nearest closet and got his emergency razor and start slitting his wrist and lots of blood start gushing And started crying.

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