Mirage X Switch!Reader - Cᴀᴜɢʜᴛ Rᴇᴅ Hᴀɴᴅᴇᴅ

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[ The reader is kind of gender neutral, the reader gets fucked. This chapter contains; heavy swearing, degrading, mommy kinks, good boy talk, praising, and is 18+]

    After a long day of tossing and turning in utter boredom; You couldn't take it anymore. It's fun being able to tag along with all the legends while they compete in the games, but because you were not apart of the games it was absolutely exhausting and lonely to wait for them to be finished. When they weren't competing, they were training. When they weren't training, they were competing. It felt like you were all alone on all these big planets sometimes. Most of the legends could hardly make time for you. It wasn't like anyone hated you or anything, they were just occupied. The Apex games were their entire life after all. You understood.

The only legend who really set time aside for you was Mirage. Though the only reason was because he probably had a lot of spare time compared to everyone else.. You and him had been together for a few months now, and everyone was pretty astonished. It took a lot of convincing for some of the legends to even comprehend your relationship was a real legit thing.

     He was also pretty lonely. He had his roommate Rampart and his friend Wraith, both of which got very tired of his bullshit very quickly. So you were probably his best friend since you two spent the most time together. You felt comfortable with him too. He listened to you and you listened to him. You both had each other's back.

You decided that's what you would do today. Go see Mirage. It had been about a week since you both talked. It was Thursday too, which meant he was all home alone. Thursday's Wraith hung out with Natalie and Rampart went to go out for plenty of drinks with Anita. Plus knowing he's home alone...that would be even more fun.

     To be blunt: you were quite sex deprived. The few months you guys have been dating, Elliot hadn't really initiated anything between you two. A few make outs, sure. But other than that: nothing. You assumed he was a virgin because well.... he's... himself . Maybe he was nervous? Maybe he needed a special someone to show him the way... and that could be you. Or maybe he just wasn't very attracted to you. What if you did something wrong? Does he think you're going to bite his dick off?

      You finally arrived at the small burnt out apartment you knew so well. It was 3:45, so you were 100% sure he was home alone by now. You gently knocked on the door. You hear stumbling, crashing, clanking, and the sound of your boyfriend mumbling things along the lines of "One second!". Then the door peaked open. His eyes poked out of the tiny slit.

    "O-Oh! It's you... You're uh.. here!" he stuttered his words, sounding nervous.

     "Yeah.. Everything alright in there..?" You tilted your head trying to see through the crack of the door. He jumped, still only cracking the door hiding everything but his face.

     "Yeah! I'm fine- totally fine. I was just.. training."

     "Were you now?" you playfully raised an eyebrow. Silence grew between you two for a solid minute, until you busted open the door and walked into the apartment.

     To your surprise, there was nothing wrong with it.. it was clean.. what the hell was he hiding? There was no mess, no moldy food, no depression house. What could he have possibly been so embarrassed or scared of?  You turned to face him and ask for yourself, and then your jaw dropped.

      "I-Oh!" you jolted back a bit staring at him. He was very much.. completely naked. So this is how he spends time alone.. You took a moment to examine him. His member was hard so clearly you had.. interrupted something. It was a decent size, maybe 6inches if you had to guess. He wasn't very girthy though. You looked back up to his face to see it was flushed red.

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