Bangalore X Sub!Reader - Hᴀʀᴅᴄᴏʀᴇ

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[Anita is lesbian and y'all can't tell me otherwise so reader is a girl. Includes strap usage so if you don't like that run for your life. Degrading because it's Anita , spanking, a whip, very aggressive 🤤 and y'all are welcome to enjoy it but just keep in mind that she's MY WIFE. ]

       You snorted loudly at Anitas joke. She always knew how to make you laugh. She elbowed you playfully while giggling as well.

       "Your laugh is contagious." she chuckled. That only made you laugh more. You had never really talked to her like this. You two were never close. You just happened to sit next to each other at Mirages bar tonight after a long game and kept talking. Mostly flirting.

       "I didn't think you could be so funny." You grinned. She raised an eyebrow.

       "Why the hell not?" She didn't say this aggressively, just as a genuine question.

       "I don't know, just on the field you're.. a stern, strong, fighter. Hardcore." You explained. "Didn't know you could ever let your guard down."

        "I'm a lady pleaser, what can I say?" she joked putting her hands on her hips. You grinned and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. You two stared at each other for a moment in complete silence. The only thing being heard around you two were the clanking of bottles and the other people within the bars conversations. It all faded away when you looked at her though. It felt straight out of a movie. You could've sworn you saw her lean in for half a second like she was going to kiss you, but before you could process it she took her face back and cleared her throat.

       "You have pretty eyes." You said softly. She scoffed.

       "Shut up."

       "You do! I swear." she snickered.

        "Is this your way of flirting? It's pretty corny."

        "One of us had to make the first move." You said half jokingly. She bit her lip.

        "You know, I don't wanna be straight forward but.. You wanna ditch this place?" she asked using her thumb to point to the exit. You felt butterflies enter your stomach.

        "I'd love to." The two of you stood up and walked out of the place just like that. You'd be lying if you said you weren't nervous. Anita was a gorgeous women and her inviting you to her place made you think of doing dirty things with her. That terrified you since you two had just gotten to know each other but it also intrigued you because.. well.. she was hot. Duh.


         When the two of you made it back to Anitas apartment you were impressed. She gave you a tour, and yes it was small, but it was nice. It was very clean and fancy. The place was themed white and everything matched so well. She even had her own balcony in her bedroom. You stood in her room taken aback.

         "Holy shit this place is nice." You complimented, still looking around her room.

"Thanks." She said shyly. She rubbed the back of her neck nervously. Your eyes widened when you saw her humongous bed. It was bigger than a king and looked super soft. You wasted no time and plopped yourself onto it, arms wide open.

"I've never been more jealous of someone in my life." You sighed out. You then sat up on her bed criss cross. "Soo..."

The tension in the room was immense. It was so easy to talk to her at the bar, words just flew right out. Why was it so nerve racking here? She sat next to you on the edge of the bed.

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