Crypto X PetPlay!Reader - Dɪʀᴛʏ Pᴇᴛ

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[ This chapter includes pet play (by request)  bondage, gagging. Reader is a switch and female. Sorry if it's awful i'm so bad at writing for Crypto. And yes i know his name is Tae but crypto sounds better so it's mostly crypto]

    You peaked in the back room of the apartment you shared with your boyfriend, Crypto. As you expected there he was.. sitting at his desk typing away on his lap top. You loved this man but holy shit did you get bored while he worked; and he worked a LOT. It drove you crazy. You just wanted to spend some quality time with your partner but you understood his work was very dear to him. It hurt sometimes not being able to come in and sneak him a kiss or bring him a snack. He was very adamant about his work being secret. You weren't even aloud to go through his phone. As much as you knew he loved you, it hurt knowing he wouldn't be more open to you.

It did not help the constant rumors on the battle field of him and Natalie having a thing. You weren't very fond of Wattson for that exact reason. You weren't rude to her, but you kept your distance and made sure to avoid speaking to her as much as possible. You couldn't help it- she made you jealous. Plus Cyrpto and her were close as hell. She was always making him laugh and vise versa. Caustic who was probably just as jealous of Crypto made you feel worse too but constantly bringing it up when you two saw them together. He probably enjoyed just teasing you. He doesn't like anybody. Why would you be an exception.

     Boredom was taking over you as you walked circles around the apartment. You couldn't take it anymore. You knew there was nothing pulling this man away from his work... Except a... distraction of some sort... wink wink.

    You took a deep breath and cracked the door open to the room taking a step in.


     "Working Y/N." He stated emotionlessly completely interrupting you.

     "I know but it's... important."

     "Are you hurt?"


     "Then it can wait nae salang."  (my love) You sighed and turned around to leave. You purposely exaggerated your sorrows, hoping it would guilt trip him- and it did. Here comes your attention !

    He groaned.

    "Wait." he turned around to face you in the swivel chair. He took his index finger motioning for you to come forward. You walked up to him reluctantly. A bit confused about what he was about to do. Now standing in front of him you looked down nervously. He pointed to the floor. You understood and quickly got on your knees infront him. It seemed as if he was wanting that type of sex. Alrighty then. You now sat on your knees between his spread legs. He tucked his hand behind the nape of your neck and gave you a good scratch. It was weird being treated like a dog, but hey, head scratched feel good.

     You smiled.

    "Did you miss me? Jag-eob-i neulibnida.." (Work is so slow) He hummed. You happily nodded.

      "I hate waiting for you." you pouted.

      "I know. But you're so patient." He gave your forehead a light kiss. You grinned. You decided to have some fun and push things along a bit quicker- so you laid your head down on his spread crotch, nuzzling into his manhood. He jumped a bit, shocked. But the he calmed down when he realized what you were implying. He continued to rub and run his fingers through your hair. You now felt his hard member through his shorts on your cheek.

      "I think this will help with the stress from work, Tae." your laughed looking up at him with your large E/C orbs. You saw him inhale sharply before smirking and grabbing something behind him. As soon as you heard the clanking of the metal chains clashing together, you knew what he was getting.

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