Bloodhound X Reader - ᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʜᴏɴᴇ

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   (Ok sorry i died just went through a break up we were together for 2.5 years kinda felt like shit and still do buttttt i had a good idea for like a facetime series so this is the first one. let me know if you'd like this for other legends.)

[ Bloodhound is against modern technology and doesn't want a new phone. To convince them you sneak a IPhone into Bloodhounds bag so you and them can have a naughty phone call.. Bloodhound has a dickReader only has tits i don't talk abt anything else]

They had already told you a million times they didn't care about technology at all. Every time you even attempted to convince them to get an Apple product to facetime and or call you; their answer would still be no. It didn't make much sense to you why they hesitated so much. You knew they loved their past and all.. but could that really be the only thing preventing them from getting a cellphone? Mere tradition? The last time you asked them to consider it was right before they were about to take off to Olympus for another round of games.. You knew how much you'd miss them while they were gone. You wanted a way to speak to them. Bloodhound said to always trust faith; that the two of you would meet when it was destined to be- not by some silly little piece of tech. They were so stubborn.. it killed you.

     You had already taken the situation into your own hands however by setting up a brand new IPhone and placing it in their travel bag before they left. You looked up at the clock. It read 8:30pm. The exact time they would be settled into their guest room for the night.. Tomorrow would be when the games begun. They probably need a lot of rest.. maybe you could help them fall asleep..? You smirked to yourself before grabbing your phone and facetiming them.

    Surprisingly; they answered. You heard stumbling and watched the camera jerk around the room as they  struggled to understand what was happening. When they finally got a firm grasp on the phone, they looked very confused. Until they saw your smiling face and a sigh escaped their lips through their mask.

         "Y/N.. you had me worried. I did not understand why my bag was making such noises." As they spoke they held the phone up to their mouth, probably mimicking what the other legends do when they call their families and what not. You chuckled.

        "Love, you don't have to hold the phone to your mouth. Video calls are special. It'll capture your voice." They looked a bit embarrassed as they fixed the angle.

       "I told you I am not interested in these sorts of devices.." they muttered clearly annoyed.

       "But isn't it so cool? I get to hear your perfect voice." you grinned.

       "I made my wishes quite clear." they protested. "I do not wish to keep this." You made a pouting face as a joke.

        "Are you that sick of my face?" you teased.

        "No. Your face is very pretty."

        "But not pretty enough to stay on the phone with?"

        "Why are you even 'phone-ing ' me at this hour?" They asked. "Shouldn't you be asleep?"

        "I was hoping we could help each other fall asleep..." you said quietly. They blinked, clearly not understanding.

        "How can we pursue slumber if you wish to have a conversation?" You bit your lip looking to the side. You laid their quietly, unsure on how to keep this going. "Y/N?" they asked after your long period of silence. You cleared your throat.

        "Well.." was the only word you could think of to let out as you slowly moved the camera down to you chest and waist. You were in a very revealing black lingerie set. There was plenty of cleavage covering the screen and just a little tummy along with your face at the tippy top smiling into the camera. Silence. "Houndy?" You cooed softly. You were a bit nervous they would be upset at you for this. You heard a shakey inhale before they spoke.


      "Are you looking at me?"

       "I... I am." they gulped. You smirked, and it showed in the camera. You let your hand trace around you left breast for them to see. You cupped it through the fabric giving yourself a tight squeeze. They visibly shuddered.

      "Do you wish you were touching me like this.." you trailed off continuing to play with your chest. "Do you miss me?"

       "Ja.. "

       "You want me to show you a little more?" you teased gripping the top of the lace.


       "What are you being shy for? Do you not wanna see? We don't have to do anything-" You asked and began moving the camera away.

       "No, no. Its not that Elskin.. C-Can others monitor these calls-?" they said anxiously. "P-Please.. Put the camera back in place for me.." you repositioned the phone again as they told you to.

       "No, nobody can. How hard are you right now?" You asked sweetly. You could already feel how flustered they probably were. Usually they took control in the bedroom, but they were too innocent and new to the whole phone sex thing.. There was no way they could ever gain the confidence to speak to you how they normally would. They weren't really in control right now. They had no experience which meant no confidence. It was funny.

      "I am..." their voice was deep, rough, and heavy. "..I am aching for your touch Y/N.."

      "Bloodhound.." You began. "Touch your dick for me. Touch it while you look at me, right now." The camera angle wasnt the best, but you could see it move around as you stared into their mask. You could hear zipping, so you could assume they were touching themselves now as their breathing hitched.

"Y/N.." The grunted. "Let me see you.."

"Do you know how to flip the camera, love?" You asked. "Press the button in the bottom corner." They did it hesitantly, and there it was: right on your screen. Their cock in their hand. "So pretty baby." You complimented.

"I-I miss you Y/N.." they uttered.

"Aw, do you?" You reached your free hand behind you and unclipped your bra so your full chest was exposed. They sighed very loudly and you could see their hand speed up as they stroked themselves. "Houndy, I wish you were here to cover my tits in your cum. I know how much you love to do that to me." You smiled.

"You know me very well.." they mumbled. "They are perfect.."

"You think so?" you jiggled them around playfully for them. Their hand speed up even more. "Gonna cum already baby?"

"I-I just.." they moaned between heavy breathes. "I want to cover them in my seed..."

"Come on baby, cum for me. They want your load so bad Hound." You cooed. "I want to watch you explode for me.." and there it was. Right after those words slipped out of your mouth they came. They arched their back and grunted loudly as they let themselves go. It was a large load. Their warm cum dripped down their hand as they sat there panting over the phone call.



"I don't hate this device entirely.."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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