Mirage X Reader X Rampart - Tʀᴜᴛʜ ᴏʀ Dᴀʀᴇ

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[My first three way- i'm sorry if it's awful. From my request page, the reader is a shy female :O I have never wrote for rampart but I kin mirage so we'll see how terrible this is. Mirage is very praising and gentle but Rampart is like rlly rough so it's a mix. I thought abt having the reader peg mirage but i wasn't sure if you guys would like it but for the future would any female readers be into pegging? let me know.]

You sat in a small circle on the apartment living room floor. All around you were empty beer bottles and food wrappers. It smelt like Incense. In front of you sat Mirage and Rampart in a small circle. You had finally agreed to come sleepover with the two and hangout.

You were usually not free to come over because you had a whole other job, but you finally had a few days off and agreed to spend it with them. They had been bugging you about it for weeks. You loved them and enjoyed competing with them in the games even; but you had to admit you had always been nervous to hangout with them alone. They both made you flustered. They were each so great looking, funny, nice.. and it only broke your heart more to be with them since you assumed they were dating each other. Nothing was official, you just had a hunch- they did live together after all...

"..And then I was like BAM. Mic drop! Get out of my bar." Mirage finished his story. You were all playing truth or dare and you had asked him his most crazy work story. You had honestly forgotten he owned a bar, you were referring to the games, but all well. Ramya (That's Ramparts name if you are not aware) rolled her eyes.

"Yeah.. Don't listen to him, kid." She said putting a hand on your shoulder. "That's not at all what happened that night."

"That's exactly what happened. Dude came in, was a dick, and so I kicked him out!"

"More like I got him out, Witt." she corrected. "He was more scared of me than you." You laughed at them.

"You guys are hilarious". You complimented. "I'm glad I came.."

"Obviously." Mirage joked. "Who wouldn't wanna miss out on this exciting party." Rampart giggled.

"Alright Eliot, your turn." She punched his shoulder playfully and he continued to chuckle.

"Okay, okay, uhhh.." he put his hand to his chin while he thought. "Y/N.. truth or dare?"

"I will do a truth. You guys are crazy, I don't trust you with dares."

"How many people have you slept with since you joined the games?" As he asked, Rampart leaned in curiously with a smile on her face. You gulped and twirled your fingers around nervously. You were a complete virgin, but you didn't want to say that! Not around your new cool friends... you didn't want them to think you were a loser. You just hadn't found anyone that was mutually interested.

"Oh um..." You began scratching the back of your neck. "Probably like.. uh.."

"Oh my god." Ramya blurted out. "No one?" she asked confused. You bit your lip.

"Um.. No." you admitted.

"Okay, what about before the games?" Eliot added on. You awkwardly looked to the floor and let the silence settle in to answer their question. "...Oh." he finished.

"I'm sorry." You said brushing some hair behind your ear. "I know i probably sound lame now."

        "No, no. Don't worry about it, mate." Rampart rubbed your shoulder comfortingly. "My turn though!" she shouted excited changing the subject. "Y/N.. truth or dare?"

       "I uh... truth..?"

       "Nope! You can choose truth twice in a row, thats no fun." she said quickly as if she was expecting your answer.

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