Valkyrie X Brat!Reader - Cᴀʀ Sᴇx

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[This chapter includes female x female action. The reader has a vagina and breasts. Reader gets fucked by Valk with a strap and then reader fingers Valk + eats her out. Degrading, dirty names. Very gay. Weird mouth kink i feel like Valk would have. Much flirtatious energy. Enjoy ! ]

       You let out a sigh of relief and happiness as the wind blew on your face. Your hair flying around with it. It was a late night, about 2 in the morning. You sat in the passenger seat of Valkyries car while you two were blazing down the freeway. You knew this girl wasn't one for any type of transportation that wasn't related to flying- but tonight she had no choice..

       It was Bangalore's birthday! To celebrate of course, everyone went to Mirages bar. (What's new?) All the legends were drinking.

      Anita challenged Valk to a bet and Valk lost; therefore she had to be the designated driver for the night. You knew Anita did it just to spite her. The two had never gotten along very well, especially with the whole.. Loba situation.

      Naturally, Valkyrie was very upset when she found out, so you offered to stay sober the whole party her. You promised the second you two got back to her house you would drink with her like crazy. You knew she couldn't say no to you. You two were close . Really close. You'd be lying straight through your teeth if you said you were into her. Was it even possible to not be attracted to her? From her looks, to her smart ass remarks, even her voice was all too hot. Things between you were complicated though. You two flirted a ton but neither of you really put a label on things. You even kissed twice and made out a bit here and there while drunk at parties. No sex or anything official though. You didn't mind it. You weren't going to say no to a gorgeous woman having her way with you.

       The two of you had just dropped off Mirage and Rampart, the last two people on your to do list. Now you were heading to Valkyries place. The cool night  air felt so good on your face, and being next to Valk was a plus. Everything in this moment felt straight out of a dream or movie. The radio played softly in the back which really set the mood.

      "Are you happy that's over?" You were referring to dropping everybody off at home.

      "Oh yeah, so excited to clean out their drunk vomit bags from my car too. Yay." She said sarcastically. You giggled.

      "I'll take care of it."

      "No you won't. I already owe you enough for all the shit you do for me." she grinned.

      "That's fine by me. Maybe if the favors stack up, however you pay me back will be worth my wild."You said playfully. She snickered. Her left hand stayed on the steering wheel and her right hand reached over to grab you thigh while she drove on.

      "I promise it will." she winked.  You placed you hand on top of hers giving it a small loving squeeze. In return she extended her fingers and squeezed your entire thigh tightly.

      "You should be doing two things at once while driving." You joked.

      "Fine." She removed her hand. You felt your heart drop a little. Her grabbing you like that really turned you on. The last thing you wanted was for her to stop. The car then switched lanes as she pulled over on the dark empty freeway. She put the car in park and removed the key, which instantly made the whole vehicle pitch black. "I won't do two things at once then." She finished. You heard a small flick as she turned the dim roof light on so you two could see each other.

       She grabbed the side of her seat pulling the lever so her seat was reclined more. You did the same. She then turned her body to face you. You both stared at each other in awkward silence.

       "You know.." she began, slowly bringing her face close to yours. Her right hand grabbed your chin tilting your head back slightly so you were forced to stare into her hazel orbs. "For a woman who talks so much about wanting me, you never seem to make the first move." she then nuzzled her face into the crook of your neck, beginning to kiss, suck, and nibble on your soft flesh. You let out the softest moan.

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