Pathfinder x Male!Reader - Is ᴛʜɪs ʜᴏᴡ I ᴅᴏ ɪᴛ?

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    [ Just a male version of my last chapter. Let me know if i made any mistakes :) Hopefully someone will get a kick out of this. ]

      You looked around the apartment up and down, making sure nobody was home. You were very careful when you locked the front door, checking it TWICE. It had been quite a while since you had.. been alone. You just hadn't been in the mood in a long while honesty.

     You had recently started dating Pathfinder- at least you were kind of dating. You weren't sure if it was a dare or if he truly understood why he meant when he asked you to be his boyfriend at Mirages birthday bash- but you said yes either way. He was a sweet robot, what harm would it do to say yes? He really did try to be a good boyfriend though. He did the most cliche things, like he was googling how to be in a relationship. He constantly brought you flowers and offered to take you out to eat, even thought he couldn't eat himself- which was the sweetest part. He was so selfless. You weren't sure if he knew what he was doing when he initiated romance with you.. but you went along with it. It was cute.

     Anyways, while dating him you noticed one thing that went extremely down- and that was your sexual mindset. It was hard to be aroused when he was nothing but a sweetie pie. It was a nice change of things to have a guy not only want you for sex though, so that was interesting. But tonight you were home alone in the apartment you shared with Pathfinder. It was hard to be alone because recently Mirage had been crashing on your guy's couch. He said Ramparts projects were too noisy. You didn't mind, but right now you were glad he was gone so you could enjoy yourself. 

       You laid down on your bed and took a deep sigh of relief. Finally some time alone. You pulled out your phone plugging in your headphones, putting on your favorite ~spicy~ video. [If you don't watch pornography ignore this :) ] You took a deep relaxed breath before taking a hold of your now hard cock. It had been so long since you had touched yourself that just the thought of getting off got you turned on. You quivered as you gently squeezed yourself, the sensation trembling through your body.

"Fuck.." You mumbled to yourself quietly. You arched your back and exhaled softly as you continued to touch yourself. It felt amazing and it had been so long since you had been able to do this. You wondered why you had ever stopped. There then was a loud clang. You froze sitting up, still nude. Your hand froze around your dick and you felt your ass tense up in fear. Your bedroom door then bursted open.

"Honey, I am home!" The robotic voice said. You squealed and quickly grabbed your blanket covering your lower body with it. Your hand was still grasping your own member but it would be more obvious if you took it away now. Pathfinder stared down at you, a small flower was in his hand. You smiled nervously.

"What are you doing home so, so, very early?" You questioned brushing your fingers through your hair. He stared down at you, almost speechless. He knows.

"I could not participate in training due to half the legends being intoxicated from last evenings events." He spoke. "I'm sorry if interrupted something." You coughed.

"No, you didn't!"

"It seems like I came in as you were pleasing yourself." he blurted out. Your face flushed red.


"Are you embarrassed?"

"O-Of course I am!" You huffed. Pathfinders small screen became a light shade of pink.

"Y/N, That is another one of the boyfriend's responsibilities." He stated taking a seat on the mattress. "Would you like.. assistance?" His monitor grew a darker red shade now as if he was anxious. You smiled to yourself.

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