Octane X Virgin!Reader - Dʀᴜɴᴋᴇɴ Dᴜᴛɪᴇs

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[ Octane x Female reader. This chapter contains drinking and alcohol usage. It also has cursing -obviously- lots of praising. It's readers first time. For once the speedster slows down to make you comfortable. Lots of edging for Octane as he tries to take his time for you. Ball sucking for Octane :P ]

    You held your stomach as you bursted out laughing on the couch. Octavio laughed along too, elbowing you in the side playfully as you both continued chuckling. You were watching an episode of South Park together in his small messy apartment. It was about 2:30am.

      You two should've been at Mirages 'birthday bash', but you couldn't bring yourself to go. You never were really the type to go out. You got too anxious. There were too many legends, and to have them all in once small place drinking and smoking, you felt too much pressure. When Mirage came up to you after a match of arenas to confirm if you were attending or not and you said no, Octane instantly offered to stay back with you. Why? No idea.  He is literally the life of the party. You never bothered to question his choice though. You were just happy he wanted to spend time with you. You'd be lying if you said you didn't find him attractive. It felt nice to have a guy like him want to be with a girl like you.  

        You let out a yawn and stretched on the sofa. Octane looked over at you a bit concerned.

        "Tired already chica?" He laughed. You nodded.

        "In all honesty.. yes." You admitted. He looked a little sad by your answer, but instantly shook the frown of his face as he stood up and ran to the kitchen.

         "I've got something that'll wake you up!" he opened the fridge and came back with a large clear bottle of raspberry vodka. He set it on the coffee table in front of you both before sitting down again. You tried your best to hide how nervous you were. You wanted to seem cool for him, you had never even thought about drinking before. He popped open the top of the bottle before taking a large sip. He then extended his hand offering you a drink. You shook your head quickly.

         "Oh no, i don't drink." You reassured him, trying to sound casual. He squinted at you.

        "You don't drink? You seem like the type of girl to drink."

         "No. Never have."

         "Oh so it's not that you don't drink? It's that your a little virgin?" he joked. You felt your face tense up at his terminology. Technically sure you were a virgin to drinking but... Why would he phrase it liked that?! Your cheeks turned red. He nervously chuckled. "So you're a virgin at that too? That's hilarious." You punched his arm.

         "Shut up." He motioned the bottle toward you again. This time you hesitantly grabbed it from him. You stared down at the liquid. It smelt horrible.

        "Come on babe, it's not so bad. Drink it fast." you felt yourself blushing again at him calling you that nickname. He was quick to notice. "You're so easy to fluster amiga. " he teased. You rolled your eyes before scrunching them up and taking a large gulp of the vodka. It tasted like hand sanitizer. You gagged out loud.

          "That's disgusting." You said. "I feel the same.." You grabbed the soda you were drinking previously to chug down the awful taste. Octane laughed.

          "Yeah, it's not very good. But two more shots and i bet you'll feel somethin."

          "I have to do that two more times?" You questioned before letting out a deep sigh.

          "Come onnnn, i bet you'll be so much fun when you drink! Youll actually come out of your shell, live a little! " he encouraged. "If you do it i'll give you a prize." he bribed.

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