Octane X Fuckboy!Reader - Fᴀsᴛᴇʀ, Fᴀsᴛᴇʀ, Fᴀsᴛᴇʀ

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[ Octane X Male reader. Reader has had his way around with the legends wink and Octane is the only one you haven't fucked. i have seen the male requests and i'm just bad at writing male x male pls don't hate me. Here is the male version of the previous chapter so if i forgot to correct something lemme know Includes degrading and praising. ]

"And then if you stretch it out like this, it will feel much better." Octavio stood behind you in the empty gym. His hands were on your wrists as you were back to him while he positioned you. He was showing you different stretches and what not to help with after battle pains. You were trying your very hardest to focus on what he was teaching you, because surely it was important, but god... All's you could think about is how close you two were.. How if you leaned forward just a little; your ass would be pressed against his bulge.

     The whole gyms walls were mirrors, so you could see not only yourself- but him behind you from the side. It was hard not to doze off and imagine all the angles you could see yourself at..

     "Are you listening to me?" He asked looking over your shoulder. You snapped out of your daze.

      "Oh- Yes. Sorry." You apologized fixing your stance. He laughed.

       "What's the matter, man? Something on your mind?"

        "No, I'm fine. I'm tired."

        "You seem more.. distracted than tired."

        "How so?" You asked terrified he knew what you were imagining in your mind.

You definitely made you way around in the games. You had fucked a lot of people. Mirage, plenty of times. Caustic once, you were drunk. While both drunk you found yourself giving Valk quite a bit of head- regrettable. Most people knew you made your way around and you didn't care. If you were horny, you were horny- and you usually were very horny. No point in hiding it. You only live once.

Octavio however; you had never tried anything with. He intimidated you actually- especially with the whole fast thing. You two were always flirting though, so you knew he was interested- however you refused to make the first move. You were waiting to see if he had the balls to come at you himself- let alone if he actually swung your way.

         "You think I don't see you checking me out in the mirror?" He joked. You blushed.

         "I-I wasn't I swea-" he interrupted you with a laugh.

"Just hearing you stutter has me thinking i'm right.." he joked again. You sat there quietly not responding only confirming his theory. His smile dropped and he blushed a little.

"Just finish showing me the stupid stretches." You insisted fixing your posture again. He snickered.

         "Come on, Y/N. It's okay." He placed his hands on your hips, pushing himself against your ass teasingly. You jumped, surprised. "I'd be lying if I said I haven't imagined fucking you before." He whispered in the crook of your neck. You shivered. So straight forward.


          "Don't act like you haven't thought the same thing." He smirked digging his nails into your hips. "I know you're a little fuckin man whore."

          "I am.. just a little bit." You joked back. He took his cold hand and gently rubbed it up and down your stomach through your thin tank top.

          "I've been hearing from everyone how much fun you are to play with." He cooed. "But you know," he used his right hand to pull on a small chunk of your hair, making your head tilt back. "..None of them could fuck you as hard as me." His voice was so god damn sexy. You arched your back into him feeling his boner through his shorts.

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