Bloodhound X Bottom!Reader - Bʟᴏᴏᴅʜᴏᴜɴᴅ Mᴏᴅᴇ

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[Reader has breasts. Besides that i made it pretty neutral, i never specify what hole is being penetrated. This chapter contains harsh language along with a ton of degradation. If you don't like that please skip ahead or leave now. Bloodhound has male genitals in this story. They are non-binary so technically they could have anything 😭 if your very insistent of them being AFAB you can imagine a strap.]

     The sun beat down on you as you continued to hike up the rocks on Kings Canyon. You were sweating so much. It wasn't helping that you were on a team with one of the strongest legends of all time; Bloodhound. They were much faster than you and used to running and climbing everywhere, so you trailed behind them very far. You did your best to keep up, but at this point you felt like you might pass out. How can kings canyon be this hot ? You felt embarrassed being so far behind. Even though you two had been dating for two months, you still felt the need to impress them. It wasn't often you two got put in duos together since you tended to get a bit.. distracted.. together. Half of you loved working together with them but the other half couldn't help but feel anxious and nervous as you tried to impress them with your skills the whole match.

     You took the final step at the top of the hill you had both just spent ten minutes climbing. You let out a sigh of relief before falling to your knees. That walk was not fun, you felt sick.

     "Never again.." you huffed out between breaths. Your partner let out a quite chuckle through their mask before walking back to you. They extended their hand out which you happily took as they helped you stand up. They then offered you a sip of a water bottle. "Yes please." You groaned out before chugging the entire plastic bottle dry. You weren't trying to be rude but you weren't really thinking. You just knew your throat felt so dry and you needed some type of relief as soon as possible. Though you couldn't see, you had the gut feeling they were smiling through that mask.

       "Come now, let us continue forward." they motioned straight ahead. You sighed and then reluctantly followed them. Your hands kept accidentally bumping together as you walked down the sandy trail side by side.

       "If you want to hold my hand, don't be shy." you said playfully.

      "It would not be very beneficial to battle if we held hands."

       "I guess so.." you shrugged your shoulders. You were only joking. As you continued to walk, every now and then you felt your gaze turn to them. They looked very sexy in their armor and gear. It was hard not to look.. but you shook away your thoughts as you continued on. You guys did this everytime you were paired together. It was important to focus on the match. You wanted to win just one game with them. Just to show them you were capable of staying focused. They glanced at you for a moment as you continued walking forward.

       "You're making a mischievous face Y/N." they mumbled. You perked up.

       "No i'm not." You said defensively.

       "I think you have something you're keeping from me." he retorted.

       "I promise i'm not keeping anything from you." You insisted.

        "Then perhaps you're having thoughts you wish to not speak of ? " 

        "Oh i'll happily talk about them. But i don't think they'd be very beneficial to battle." you mocked . You could feel them rolling their eyes inside that mask. It made you smile to yourself. You turned to your right, opening a small door that lead to a tiny encloser. You looked around for loot, you really needed heavy ammo. It was hard to even see the loot around in the small space because of the one flickering light bulb, but you continued to dig around, mumbling to yourself in irritation. Suddenly you hear a crack, and just like that the small space became pitch black. You gulped. The only thought in your mind was that it was probably someone from another team and you probably just blew this win for Bloodhound.

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