Mirage X Top!Male!Reader - I ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ɪᴛ ᴀɴʏᴍᴏʀᴇ

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[ Reader has a cock- i did my best since this was heavily requested. I'm sorry in advance I am a bisexual female so if this is just cringe or if something i wrote doesn't make sense don't hate me?? I've never wrote a male x male fic before so comment what u think. Mirage catches you at his bar and explains he's questioning (cannon) You decide your down for a one night stand . Reader is called daddy. Reader engages in degrading, praising, and in general uses mirage as a good little boy 😘 ]

        "I've never seen you around here before..?" a calm voice asked you. You jumped a bit, startled. You then turned yourself in the bars swivel chair to make eye contact with a handsome young brunette boy.
         "Yeah, I'm new. I'm trying complete in the games. Y/N." You grinned.

         "Oh nice man!" he put out his hand to give you a fist bump and you returned it. "Names Elliot or Mirage. Nice to see another dude in the ring, we've been having a lot of ladies join... Not that I don't like girls just uh- I like guys AND girls- i think- Just...Glad to see another.. you know.." You raised an eyebrow.

         "No, I don't know. What are you trying to say?"

         "I don't know, ignore me." he laughed and you awkwardly let out a chuckle not knowing what to say.

        "Was that your way of letting me know your bisexual or..?" You asked trying to figure out what the hell that sentence was supposed to mean. His eyes widened.

         "NO!" he shouted. "I mean, maybe? I don't know but i wasn't trying to hit on you i mean, not in a mean way, you're good looking just- Forget it." You smiled up at him.

      "You're a rambler aren't you." He nodded.

     "I just get nervous around pretty people."

      "..Pretty people..?" You asked pointing to yourself questioningly .

      "Like um.. pretty cool people!" he tried to save himself.

      "Look I know we just met but.. if you're trying to get in my pants for the night; you can just come out and say it you know? " You teased. You could visibly see his face turn a soft red.

       "T-Thats not what i'm trying to do-"

         "You sure?" You asked now standing towering above him . He was shaking anxiously.

        "Well.." he said looking you up and down. "Now I'm not so sure.. " You let out low chuckle at his response. You weren't the type of guy for one night stands, but this kid wasn't saying no and you would be lying if you said you weren't a little horny. He was cute. Just looking at him you could imagine grabbing handfuls of his curly locks while you pounded the shit out of him..

"Where's the bathroom in this place?" You asked hinting at him to join you. He understood as he grabbed your hand and walked you over across the bar showing you the restroom.

"Are we really doing this..? I've known you for 5 seconds." He said standing in front of the door motioning for you to go on it. You grabbed him by his shirt collar and yanking him into the rest room with you. You then locked the door behind you two pressing the boy up against the cold wall. He gulped.

        "Love at first sight." You joked. You now wasted not time before nuzzling your mouth into the crook of his neck taking a long hard bite causing him to shudder. You then continued to suck on his soft skin leaving plenty of bruises and hickeys around. His hand made it way up your back and he dug his nails into you while you continued letting you know he was enjoying this. He let out little whimpers and gasps here and there.

You realized you were being quite forward and took a step back looking him in the eye.

"Is this okay with you?" You asked concerned. "Am I being too much?"

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