Mirage X Horny!Reader - Uɴᴅᴇʀ Tʜᴇ Cᴏᴜɴᴛᴇʀ

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[Requested by my Dilf. Mirage is working a late night at the bar because one of his employees called out and reader is sexually frustrated. They can't take anymore waiting so they suck him off under the counter while he's working and pouring drinks. Reader is gender neutral.]

F/L = Favorite Legend

     You happily skipped over to the bar before plopping your bag down on the cold counter top. You stood on your tippy toes smiling wide. It was finally 8pm which meant Mirage was off work and you got to take him home. It had been a while since the two of you... had some alone time. Between his roommate, Rampart, and your own roommate, (F/L), the two of you never got to see each other in private. But tonight Rampart was going to be out drinking with Anita so it was perfect timing.

       "Elliot!" You yelled over the table waving your hand back and forth. Your brunette boy turn around, a glass was in his hand while he was scrubbing it clean. He grinned.

        "Y/N!" He beamed before making his way toward you. "How is my gorgeous (lady/boy) doing tonight?" He asked leaning on the table.

       "Good, now that we get to leave." You gave him a wink and his smile disappeared.

       "Shit.." he mumbled under his breath. Your heart dropped. "Y/N.."

        "No, no, noooo!" You whined before he could even finish his sentence. He sighed.

        "I know, I know but listen, Brad called off tonight and someone's gotta run the place. I'll be off at 2." You pouted.

        "That's so fucking long. I miss you."

        "Don't think I don't miss you too. I much rather be feeling you up than working." He said sadly. You walked around the counter entering the back of the bar. "What the hell are you doing?"

        "There's no way in hell i'm waiting another hour before getting my hands on you." You said frustrated. You walked into the secluded back room where employees only were allowed. He followed you, the door slammed behind you both. You began setting your stuff down in the back before turning around.

        "Y/N.. What are you-" You cut him off with a very passionate kiss which caught him off guard. He stumbled back a bit but kissed you back softly. You moaned wrapping your arms around him pushing him again the cold wall. You let your hand slowly rub his abdomen feeling every inch of him through his work shirt. He smelt like beer and cheap wine, but you couldn't care less. Your hand crept down to his lower region causing him to jump and grab you by the shoulders then push you back. You pouted again. "There's no one pouring drinks, I cant stay in here with you.. As much as i wish I could.." He gave your ass a firm slap making you bite your lip.

       "Elliot, please touch me." You begged. You grabbed his hand and placed it back on one of your ass cheeks asking for him to hold it. He took his hand away and shook his head. He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.

       "Babe, I have to work. I'm sorry. I love you, okay?" He fixed his shirt collar and ran back out the door. A small crowd of people cheered sarcastically, they clearly were annoyed by his absence and wanted more alcohol. You sighed.

       About 20 minutes passed and you were already fucking sick of waiting. There was no way you'd last til 2 in the morning. Besides what if Rampart returned before two? Then you would have waited for nothing. Fucking Brad. Could've called out any day, Christmas even, and you would've been fine. But today? Today was not the fucking day. You didn't even care if Mirage was fucking you or pleasing you, you just needed a piece of him. Anything would work. You missed his little whimpers and sexy decoys fucking you from all angles—

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