(~ ̄³ ̄)~ Barbatos x male reader

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Happy Birthday to Barbatos! (◠‿・)-☆

M/n ~ male name
S/c ~ skin color
H/c ~ hair color

⚠️ This contains lemon ⚠️
Read at your own risk



Hearing the sound of a door flying open from the entrance hall and loud booming footsteps rapidly making their way towards the common room, in came a panicked future king.

Lucifer eyebrow rose, looking very irritated as the prince of devildom decided to explain what happened a while ago and tried to apologize for the sudden intrusion.

Diavolo sighed, "...I still can't believe it. I can't believe Barbatos of all demons would ask me that."

Crossing his arms while looking down, "he requested a week's vacation! A week! I even heard it through my own ears," Lucifer grumbled, "yes we heard you almost like a thousand times already."

M/n looked over towards Diavolo, "what's the big deal? Butlers need time off work" the H/c shrugged and leaned his stomach against the couch with his knees resting on the cushions as he rested his chin on his arm.

A lil time skip

"Now young master," Barbatos gave him a smile, from behind that smile which held rage, "there's a vast amount of paperwork sitting on your desk. That you chose to neglect."

Levi whispered to you, "that's his "I'm smiling to conceal the pure rage I feel" look."

'Damn that look is kinda hot' blushing at his own thoughts, he avoided looking at Barbatos.

More time skip

After all that commotion about Barbatos wanting a week's vacation, he and Luke had been planning to go to the Confectionary Expo up in the human world, they of course invited M/n.

While they were setting up some plans the H/c had gotten sleepy and laid his head on Barbatos' shoulder, waiting for them to go.

Once when they were finished planning where to go explore, Barbatos nudged ya as if telling you 'ready to go', feeling lazy you made grabby hands towards him.

"Carry me please," Barbatos looked quite shocked but nonetheless picked you up, making you cling onto him like a koala.

Smiling, you laid your head on his shoulder, "thank you barbs."

He took you to the demon lord's castle to discuss his vacation plan to Dia, arriving at the castle he put M/n down as Diavolo walked up to them.

Barbatos explained to Diavolo he only wanted this vacation since he was in a creative slump, "ah... well then, I fully approve!" He exclaimed happily.

Giving a closed eye smile, "thank you, young master," Diavolo turned to M/n, "M/n, can you deliver a message to Lucifer?"

Grumbling about you not being a messenger boy, agreed nonetheless, "tell him I'd like to discuss his work with him later."

Next Day (they want to throw a surprise party in the human world for Barbatos)

Waiting on Barbatos to get changed the others were quietly planning the surprise, some time went by until the handsome demon finally came down the stairs. (Pic above is his human world look)

"Sorry for being late," everyone looked towards, "aren't you like the first demon to be dressed before any of us," Mammon somewhat questioned.

Barbatos then opened a portal that'll lead straight into the Confectionary Expo, "ready to go guys?" Luke gave a closed eye smile "yep!"

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