(~ ̄³ ̄)~ Barbatos x hellhound male reader

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M/n ~ male name
S/c ~ skin color
T/c ~ tail color
E/c ~ ear color / btw this will have e/c and ear after it so it won't confuse you with eye color
H/l ~ hair length
H/c ~ hair color
E/c ~ eye color


⚠️ Fluff 😌 ⚠️


Waking up before my alarm could, immediately turning it off not wanting to deal with the loud noise hurting your ears.

I got up and stretched hearing some muscles pop, it was something in the afternoon, remembering I had a date with a certain butler in about 2 hours.

Walking to the bathroom, turning the cold water on as you took your clothes off and hopping into the water.

Giggling as the water hit your S/c body, taking a quick shower you got out and dried yourself. Going into my room I grabbed the clothes I was going to wear.

(You could change it)

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(You could change it)

Grabbing a red comb I brushed my T/c tail and E/c ears then grabbed another brush to comb my messy H/l H/c hair. Grabbing my phone and earbuds I left the house, making my way to the demon lord's castle.

Plugging in my red earbuds and putting them in, you started listening to some music to pass time. Smiling, you couldn't wait to see your lover, you were a happy hellhound when around Barbatos.

It wasn't long till I arrived at the location where Barbatos lived, walking towards the door I knocked three times waiting patiently with my T/c tail wagging.

Barbatos pov~

I finished preparing the stuff we need for the picnic, 'good thing I served the young master and his guests their food already.'

Walking over to the dining room I looked at Lord Diavolo, "my lord can I be excused," Diavolo nodded. Asmodeus looked at Barbatos, "ooh~ someone's going out~" he wiggled his eyebrows, "so, who's the lucky person?"

~back to you~

Lucifer had opened the door he looked down at you, "who may you be?" He questioned, looking up I smiled, "I'm here to pick up Barbatos, is he here?" Not caring to answer his question I just wanted to see Barbatos.

He remembered Barbatos told them his lover was part hellhound, 'i didn't know he swung that way' but he didn't mind if the butler was dating the same gender.

He let you in and showed you to the dining room, walking behind him you saw Barbatos conversing with some other people.

Not really caring, I ran up to Barbatos and tackled him into a hug, "Barbie!!" Your T/c tail was wagging like crazy accidentally hitting a male with white hair wearing a black coat and a male with orange hair.

Feeling arms wrap around your waist, "hey hon," the others were just watching your interaction until someone cleared their throat.

Feeling everyone's eyes on me, I felt like hiding behind Barb but he had a strong grip on me, quietly whining he looked at everyone, "this is my lover as you could already tell, he's shy when it comes to meeting new people."

Everyone introduced themselves to me while I just said a small 'hi' to them, after that Barbatos and I started heading to our picnic area.

Sometime skip

Finally arriving to the area you saw a lake with beautiful rare flowers growing beside it, deciding to help your lover lay down the blanket then sat on top of it.

Barbatos set the basket on the blanket then sat down beside ya, smiling I pecked his lips "I love you Barbatos," he smiled "I love you too, M/n."

We both sat there having small talk while eating some food he prepared, for some reason Barbatos had a nervous aura around him when we entered this area.

I ignored it as we went to go pick some flowers to make some flower crowns, currently I was making a crown for Barbatos it was the same color as his hair.

"Teddy…" turning around my eyes widen when I see him kneeling with a box with a diamond ring inside, I froze in place as my eyes slowly teared up.

"Teddy…" turning around my eyes widen when I see him kneeling with a box with a diamond ring inside, I froze in place as my eyes slowly teared up

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(This is the ring)

Taking a deep breathe he smiled towards you, "we've been together for a long time and I've been thinking if maybe we could be more than lovers and be soulmates for life," he looked at me straight in my e/c eyes, "will you make me the happiest demon and marry me?"

Nodding your head rapidly, "yes!" Happy tears spilled from your eyes as he placed the diamond ring on your right finger. (The one between the middle and the pinky)

You guys tackled each other in a hug pulling away he gave you a long passionate kiss, slightly pulling away you both rested your foreheads against each other.

~ behind some bushes ~

The others were watching, Mammon and Asmodeus were crying, they both love romance stuff especially happy endings. But nonetheless everyone was happy for the two lovers.

The next day

Barbatos and I were just cuddling all day just wanting to be in each other's presences, kisses were shared from time to time. You were the most happiest and luckiest hellhound living while Barbatos was the most happiest demon.
(Oh, you also gave him tea from the human world yesterday as a birthday gift since dis boy loves tea).


I hoped you guys enjoyed this fluff ( ꈍᴗꈍ) I thought of it when I was listening to Bruno Mars ~ Marry you. Welp I shall see you guys again next month for Mammon's birthday.

Until we meet again 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜


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