Simeon x Male Reader ☺️

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Theme ~ Simeon has fallen in love with Luke's older brother, he thought when the time is right he’ll confess. On his birthday he thought that would be the best way.


⚠️ Warnings ⚠️
Short story (😔 sorry)
lemon was rushed (sorry)
Bad writing

Sorry i've been on writers block
But I do have stories almost done

From Simeon's birthday event

Simeon was telling you and Satan about his "reverse surprise" plan, after a bit Satan went back to the others so no one could get suspicious of you guys. Leaving the two of you alone, Simeon smiled and made you look at him, "let's test the game." You blushed at the skin contact and just nodded.

Time skip
(After they defeated Diavolo)

Everyone was leaving, you were gonna leave with your brother and Raphael but Simeon grabbed your wrist. "Will you stay with me, M/n?" Simeon asked, you could hope in his eyes, "um.. sure," you whispered. The two of you went to a room after saying goodbye to everyone.

You sat on the bed, you stared at Simeon with a light blush on your cheeks, wait are we gonna share this bed? Simeon saw you staring and smiled, "what is it, M/n?" You remember that you still haven't given him his gift, you reached into your pocket and gave it to him.

He looked shocked, " this for me?" You nodded as he looked at the keychain. He smiled, "a keychain, ooh if you look closely you could see a red thread that you can only see if it belongs to you!" He looked at you with his infamous smile, "it's supposed to symbolize the invisible "red thread of fate" that binds two people whose destinies intertwine."

He attached the keychain to his keys, "thank you, M/n. It's almost like I can see the bond between the two of us now," he got a bit close to you, "I'd like to strengthen that bond even further." You blushed, "you m-mean by k-ki-kissing?" You thought about it, "I mean I h-heard that works." Simeon leaned down, "well let's try it.." he gave you a quick kiss.

He grinned, "that's exactly what I mean. Come here, why don't you move a bit closer?" You blushed and got up, you went closer to him. “Today’s my birthday, after all. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to devote tonight to deepening the bond between us,” he looked at you with a light blush on his cheeks, “what do you say, M/n.” you were surprised but you did also have a crush on the angel in front of you, “I’d l-like that.”

“Tonight, I want to have you all to myself, okay? I want you to think only of me, and feel only me,” he lightly pushed you onto the bed. “I love you, M/n. I love you  more than words can say..” he went in between your legs and pushed his lips against yours once again. His hands found their way under your shirt as he caressed your sides, the kiss got sloppy once he entered his tongue. You blushed and pulled away leaving a string of saliva connecting to both of your lips.

You were about to take his clothes off until he pinned your hands above your head, “ah, ah, ah, let me do all the work, darling.” Nodding you let him take your top off, he went to one of your pink buds and sucked on it as he pinched the other, this caused a breathy moan to escape. Curious to the noise you’ll make he lightly bit the bud making a moan to emit from the male below him.

Simeon then switched to the other bud giving it the same treatment, you whimpered and begged, “Simeon.. please..” Simeon looked up at you, “please what love?” he had tilted his head innocently. Blushing you looked away and mumbed, “I want you to… f-fuck.. me al-already.”

"You're gonna need to speak louder, love," he smirked. Taking a deep breath, "please Simeon! I w-want you to fuck m-me!" Simeon grinned happily, "as you wish, my love."

He fully undressed both of you guys, "I doubt they'll have lube here," he looked around and spotted Asmo's gift, I mean… maybe he thought and checked the gift. Luckily there was, he went back to the male on the bed. He opened the bottle and put some on his fingers, he placed his index finger near your entrance, "ready?"

Nodding you felt Simeon enter his finger and pumped it, he then entered a second finger. Breathy moans and small whimpers escaped you, once he thought you were stretched out enough he pulled his fingers out.

Simeon then rubbed lube onto his length and placed it on the male's entrance, he then entered the male he sat there for some time so the male could adjust.

Once M/n fully adjusted he nodded his head signaling Simeon he was ready. Simeon grabbed a hold of M/n's hips, pulled out till his tip was in and thrusted in.

Simeon lifted one of his legs onto his shoulder and thrusted deeper into the male causing him to hit a certain spot. "a.. ah~!! R..right th..ere~!!!" M/n arched his back, he was seeing stars as Simeon thrusted roughly into his prostate. M/n came onto their stomachs, with a few more thrusts Simeon then released inside the male.

Simeon then flipped them over and thrusted back in, causing M/n to gasp from the overstimulation, "ride me." Blushing M/n used Simeon's chest as support, the H/c haired male started bouncing, Simeon held onto his hips to help the male as he thrusts up meeting the males bounces.

"S..Simeon!!~" your head laid back as you slightly slumped against his chest, Simeon grunted as you tightened around him. He pulled out and flipped you guys over, he flipped you over on your hands and knees. He roughly thrusted back in, the only thing that could be heard were the males moaning, skin slapping against skin, and some wet noises.

M/n couldn't even speak, moans were the only thing that came out. His body was shaking due to the overstimulation, he had already come twice. "T..aah!!~ m..u..h.. oh!!~ f...k!!!~" Simeon bit his lip and thrusted deep as he released his cum deep in the male.

He pulled out as M/n collapsed onto the bed panting, the angel bit his lip once he saw his cum drip out of the male. He was having a mental battle with his lower regions.

M/n looked back at Simeon and noticed his now new erection, "no.. Simeon," the angel only gave him a smile, "ready for round three."


Let's just say they made love tons that night, once they had finished Simeon carried M/n to the shower and washed both of them. He then dressed the both of you guys and cuddled for the rest of the night / more like dawn but hey they were tired.

Next day

M/n basically made Simeon baby him since he was sore in his lower region, which Simeon didn't mind. The brothers on the other hand huffed with jealousy.

Say thanks to my friend since I actually wasn't going to finish this but ended up finishing TwT sorry i just have lot's of assignments to catch up on and I'm like behind

I hope you guys enjoyed it at least
Bye! See ya till March with the twins birthday

I should maybe do a two in one 😏🤔
For the lemon 😳 anyways BYE

*Clears throat* don't mind that guys ☝️

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