Satan x Male Reader ᕙ[・۝・]ᕗ

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Someone being stabbed
Bad writing
Probably errors

M/n ~ Male name
H/c ~ hair color
H/L ~ hair length
S/c ~ Skin color
E/c ~ eye color


tried my best
Sorry if it sucks ʕ´• ᴥ•̥'ʔ


Everyone was at the demon lord's castle celebrating Satan's birthday, he got tons of books from everyone and a kiss from M/n. Later on, the brothers were walking home until they stumbled across a couple of witches.

They seemed no good so the brothers made a protecting circle around M/n once when one made a move the brothers attacked, leaving M/n unprotected. A witch came from behind and stabbed M/n, Satan helped M/n out with the witch. The knife was impaled into M/n's stomach, he was coughing up blood as the others contacted the others for help.

It had taken them awhile for the others to get there, M/n was bleeding a lot as the brothers were panicking or crying. M/n eyes were slowly shutting.

"No no no no! M/n, stay awake!," Satan yelled as he held the short male shaking him lightly. M/n was barely able to stay awake he weakly wiped Satan's tears, "don't *cough* cry, T-tantan. It doesn't suit *cough* suit *cough* you," M/n smiled weakly.

"I'..l be fi..e," he tried to sound convincing but it sorta failed as Satan kept on crying and held him close.

The others arrived in which they created a portal to the Human World, they took M/n to the emergency care as the doctors and nurse immediately took M/n from them. Satan tried running after M/n but Lucifer and Lord Diavolo grabbed him.

Some time later

Everyone was waiting in the waiting room, thinking how'd this day begin all happy and yet it ended all gloomy.

Some were crying as the two angels were praying for M/n to be ok. This incident affected all of them since one of their friends, best friend, or lover was in the hospital bed on the brink of death. Simeon had to take Luke outside for some fresh air.

Lucifer was holding back his tears, he had faith M/n will live, he thought of the human as a strong person. Mammon had used Lucifer's shoulder to cry on, the male didn't want to lose the human he loved even if he couldn't have you. But seeing M/n's smile or him in general made him grateful and happy to know someone like him.

Leviathan was trying to hold his tears back but they ended up coming out. He didn't want to lose his gaming buddy, his first best friend other than his goldfish. Satan was a mess. His lover was close to death, he hoped that he could hear his lover's voice once more, see his beautiful smile, and hear that ridiculous nickname he had given him. Asmodeus clung to Solomon, as the white haired male comforted his lover, the two were a mess especially Asmodeus.

Beelzebub was being held by Belphegor the twins cried, they didn't want to lose M/n like they lost Lilith. Lord Diavolo and Barbatos had gone outside with the angels for some fresh air.

M/n was very very important/special to these boys, they couldn't bear to lose the human or they'll lose their happiness or will to smile again.

3 mins go by..

A doctor came out, "what do you want to hear first? The good or bad news," of course they chose the good news, "your friend survived but he lost a lot of blood. Bad news is.. he'll be in a coma," the doctor left.

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