Solomon x Reader 🥵

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Happy late birthday to Solomon

⚠️ Warnings ⚠️
This was rushed


Btw Teddy is I, le author. You'll be seeing me in my other story Obey Me x Male Reader One-shots or sometimes here in this story book


"So M/n have you done it yet?" Asmodeus looked at you curiously, your face lit up red, "n-no.. so s-shush." Asmo didn't drop the topic, "I thought Solomon would already make the first move," he laid back on your bed, thinking. Teddy looked between the two males, "well I could make you a love potion, M/n," M/n immediately shook his head, "n-no thanks! I got this o-on my own!"

"Ooh! You could make the first move then," of course.. he keeps talking about that. Sighing I looked at Asmo, well it couldn't hurt to see his idea. "Go on then," M/n had listened to Asmo, "so, when the party is done you go undress, call Solomon over and boom!" Teddy smirked, "ooh~ someone's gonna get railed tomorrow night~!" The midnight blue haired male teased the H/c haired male. I huffed and crossed my arms, "since when was I the bottom?" Asmo and Teddy looked at each other and held their laugh, "I mean darling, you do look like a bottom."

I glared at my two friends, one an incubus named Teddy and of course Asmodeus. "Meanies," I then pouted, making them laugh a bit, Teddy lightly patted my head. "Don't worry, if it makes you any better Asmodeus always gets topped by some dudes," he whispered to M/n. I blushed, "I d-didn't need to know that!" Teddy just laughed and held his teddy bear close.

Asmodeus looked at them curious, "know what hon?" Teddy zipped his mouth, "n-nothing!!" M/n shouted.

Asmodeus looked at them suspiciously then dropped it, "well Teddy and I need to go fix the decorations, while you should work on where you're going to take Solomon," he smiled and left. Teddy patted his head, "good luck!" He then left and followed Asmo.

Taking a deep breath, "okay, I got this," I went on my D.D.D and looked up good places to take the birthday boy. Once I picked out some places I texted Solomon to keep his schedule clear for tomorrow.

Time skip to Next Day (morning)

I took Solomon to a cafe to eat breakfast, let's just say it was a challenge to see who was quick to pay in which he won. Huffing I crossed my arms, "I wanted to pay." He chuckled and kissed your cheek, "maybe next time love," he grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the cafe. "Where to?" He questioned. "The carnival," we then went to the carnival and went on most of the rides.

Later (they went back to the house of lamentation)

Solomon walked into the House Of Lamentation, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Everyone shouted, Solomon smiled and thanked everyone. Lord Diavolo had brought some limited demonus, everyone except Luke was drinking it. Most of the demons were drunk except Teddy, Barbatos, and Satan. M/n and Solomon had more drinks than the demons but luckily humans can't get drunk with demonus. (Did I spell it correctly?)

Some time later

I had gone to my room, I can't believe I'm doing this, I undressed and texted Solomon to come. I laid on the bed completely naked as Solomon knocked on the door, "come in!" He opened the door and looked at M/n. A blush spread across his face as he immediately walked in, he closed and locked the door. "My M/n~ is this my gift from you~" he smirked and walked up to you, "I-i find it no f-fair.. that y-your fully dressed."

He chuckled, how cute, he thought. Solomon took off his clothing and left himself in boxers. He pinned you against the bed and kissed you passionately, his hands roamed your body. You let out quiet moans as he licked your bottom lip, you let him in as he explored your mouth. Solomon pulled away as saliva connected both their lips, he wiped his lips and went to your neck. He trailed kisses and bites against your neck, moans escaped from your parted lips.

"H-hurry.." you whined. "Patience love," Solomon left hickeys and bite marks all over your body. "Solomon!" You tugged his boxers, you managed to take his boxers off. You bit your lip as Solomon pinned your hands above your head, "beg for it love." Solomon had positioned himself at your entrance as he looked at you.

"F-fuck me! Fuck me until I can't walk for a week!" Solomon smirked and thrusted in hard, "ahh!!" Solomon pounded himself into you, he went faster and harder into you. I clawed at Solomon's back, "S-solomon!! Ah!! R-right there!!!" Solomon grabbed ahold of your waist and pounded into that spot over and over. He sloppily kissed you as the both of you were close to cumming. You pulled away and released on both of your chests, he grunted and kept going chasing his release. He went faster, "i-in or out," he groaned out, "I-IN!! AH!!!" You felt overstimulated. Solomon thrusted one last time and came deep inside you.

He pulled out panting, the both of you catching your breaths, he cleaned you and himself up. Once done he laid beside you as you snuggled up against his side. "I love you M/n," he pecked your lips, "I love you too Solomon," you smiled. The both of you fell asleep in each other's arms.


When M/n limped out of his room he got dragged into Asmo's room. Asmodeus smirked, "so how was it?" You blushed, "g-good," you whispered. Teddy laughed, "see we told you it'll be good," Asmo nodded, "plus you guys were so loud," Asmodeus and Teddy laughed. You blushed a dark red, "i-it's n-not m-my fa-fault!" You pouted and crossed your arms.


Sorry for posting this late (´;︵;') I am kinda behind in my assignments so it took me awhile to finish this

Anyways I hoped you liked it
I hope all of you guys are doing good
And I hope you don't mind me being in the stories to y'all out (✿^‿^)

Bye bye my little bears ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ

See you in February on Simeon's birthday

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