Leviathan ୧( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ )୨

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Theme ~ M/n and Levi are chilling in his room playing games. They had placed magic on the door so no one could enter.

⚠ Warnings ⚠


Short story (sowwy 🥺)

Not proofread


Levi invited M/n to his room to watch some anime, he sealed his door shut with magic to prevent his brothers from disturbing their alone time together. The two were in separate bean bags, M/n managed to choose what anime they watched since Levi always chose it. Once M/n's favorite character showed up, he couldn't help the erection that was slowly popping up. He immediately tried covering it by crossing his legs.

What gave him away was that he was grinding against the bean bag to get some sort of pleasure. Levi noticed the male moving a lot, he was gonna ask but once he looked over he found the problem. He blushed and didn't know what to say, M/n noticed him watching and blushed. These two stayed in an awkward silence until Levi decided to break it by getting up.

Leviathan stood in front of the H/c haired male, his expression unknown but his eyes stared into yours like a predator hunting his prey. Leviathan's only thought was, 'I could mark M/n as mine. It's now or never.' The purple haired demon moved your legs apart and went in between them. You blushed heavily, you didn't think your crush would have made a move on you or especially about to make love to you.

M/n's hands were pinned above his head, Levi ripped apart your clothing along with his. He went into his demon form and lubed up his tail, he put it against your entrance, "ready?" You nodded and moaned once his tail entered you, he didn't give you a chance to adjust as he fucked you with his tail.

"A-aah~! L-levi..~!!" You held onto him as he marked your neck with bites and hickeys. He soon took his tail out causing you to whimper but he soon slammed his dick inside you. "Aah~!!" Your head flew back as Levi pounded into you.

All was heard in the room were your loud moaning, his groans, squelching noises, and skin slapping against skin. He groaned as he went harder, your moans grew louder when he hit a sensitive spot. "I-i'm close~!!" You clawed your nails on his back, he grunted and did one last final thrust. The both of you came, he came inside as you came on your stomach.

He was panting like crazy, "t-this is-isn't f-for me," he wasn't used to doing any sort of exercise. You smirked, "I guess whenever you wanna exercise we could do this." He was shocked, his cheeks went red but he didn't deny that offer though.

The both of them had long forgotten the anime as they slept in Levi's "bed"(his bathtub). They decided they'll shower in the morning.


The next day the brothers saw all the hickies on M/n's neck. They decided to "exercise" a bit more in the morning so it took them awhile to go downstairs for breakfast.


Sorry this took so long. I ran out of ideas so I did the best I could so this one is short. There was another story but I decided to cancel it so that one you will maybe see on my one shots for the Obey me boys.

Anyways I hoped you liked it and thanks for the support on here.

Bye bye
My little bears!

Next is ~ Asmodeus May 15th

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