⊂(◉‿◉)つ Mammon x Male Reader

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A disaster with potions ~ theme

(Happy late birthday Mammon)

F/c ~ favorite color
H/c ~ hair color
M/n ~ Male name

⚠️ Warning ⚠️
shitty writing, language, lemon, oc mammon

Stuff may be spelled incorrectly or said badly


~ M/n's pov ~

Glaring at the beakers in front of me filled with liquid, 'darn you, Solomon. Give me work on the weekend especially on my crushes birthday' the H/c thought angrily.

"Ok, let's just finish this," grabbing the piece of paper and reading over the instructions, starting with the first step he grabbed the main beaker. Setting it in the middle he then grabbed the first liquid and poured it, making sure it was the right amount.

Grabbing the other liquids the H/c haired male went in order to pour them but there was one that needed just the right amount. Kneeling down, eye level with the beaker he slowly tipped the jar.

All of a sudden a certain loud white haired male barged into your room at the wrong time, "hey! hey! hey! M/n!" Not aware that he poured too much but the sudden loudness made him flinch, knocking the beaker over on him as his butt hit the floor.

"I was wonder-..." Mammon's eyes widened now noticing the situation, "oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" He immediately went over, apologizing over and over.

Putting a finger on his lips to silence him, "it's alright, Mammon. I'm fine," Mammon nodded as he grabbed the paper with the instructions, "anyways, what cha workin' on, human," he said as if nothing happened.

"Solomon gave me a wolf potion, but he said if I pour too much of this liqu-" noticing the container is empty. Mammon looked at the now silent male beside him on the floor, "what would happen?" He questioned.

Clearing his throat, "I don't know, he never told me what would happen," Mammon groaned as M/n looked down, finding his fingers more entertaining. "One thing about potions, human, is that you're supposed to know what it's about" he picked the male up and forced him to look at him.

Mammon then went on about being careful with the liquids, the H/c haired male smiled down/up as the whited haired male kept rambling on and on. 'Aww, he was worried *giggles* but of course he won't admit it.'

M/n thanked the other when he picked him up and for worrying about him. Mammon argued that he wasn't worried, even though he practically went on about him caring and worrying about him around potions just seconds ago.

The H/c thought a shower would be nice right about now, looking at Mammon "shoo, I need a shower," huffing he left the male's room not before telling him to meet him in his room.

Time skip (~‾▿‾)~ after your shower

Moments later he started feeling woozy as blackish grey smoke surrounded him, clutching onto his head as a throbbing pain shot through his head along with his rear end.

'i hope this potion won't fuck me up or I'll be murdering me a sorcerer' he thought angrily. Mentally planning on how to murder Solomon.

~ with Solomon ~

"Yea but Simeon I want to co- achoo!!" Luckily Simeon moved away from the male, "if you're sick then you can't cook or you'll infect the food" Luke then mumbled, "as if his food isn't already infected."

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